chapter 9.

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Y/N looked at herself in the mirror as she was wearing a pink printed dress with a pastel pink cardigan and pastel pink mini heels, for her lunch date with Bellatrix. Y/N noticed the love bites Tom and Mattheo had been giving her over the last couple of weeks and decided to try and pull her cardigan over her collar bones until she was out of the Hogwarts gates. Y/N sprayed her expensive perfume that was her signature scent that she found during her first visit to France. Y/N walked out of her dormitory and through the Slytherin common room finding Tom reading on one of the common room couches. Y/N came up behind him and kissed the back of his neck as he tilted his head and they shared a quick peck as Y/N rubbed his shoulder. "You look good" Tom said as he was eyeing the girl as she was walking out of the common room, "thank you cutie" Y/N said as she turned around and winked at Tom before leaving into the hallway.

Y/N walked down towards Bellatrix who was smoking a cigarette from her cigarette holder, "you look good my sweet darling" Bellatrix said as she pulled the girl into a long needed hug. "I missed you" Y/N said as she pulled away from Bellatrix and they walked towards a carriage that was taking them towards Hogsmeade.

They were drinking butterbeer and firewhiskey from Three Broomsticks inn as they were eating burgers and fries. "How is Hogwarts treating you?" Bellatrix asked and Y/N took her cardigan off as she picked up her burger, "it's going good so far" Y/N said as she took a big bite out of her burger. "I can tell" Bellatrix said as she pointed to the many love bites Y/N had on her body, "theses are nothing" Y/N said as she moved her hair in front of her shoulders to try and cover them up. "Draco?" Bellatrix asked and Y/N shook her head as she looked down at her plate, "me and Draco broke up a while ago" Y/N said as she wasn't sure that Bellatrix knew. "He told me the day it happened, full three page letter" Bellatrix said as she ate her fries making Y/N think about how heartbroken Draco must have felt as she was feeling heartbroken herself at the memory of them breaking up their innocent but loving relationship. "There is two new Slytherin boys who joined this year" Y/N said trying to move off the subject about her and Draco, "ah, yes, the Riddle brothers, Lucius told me that they were going to be the new addition to the Royal Slytherin Family" Bellatrix said as she took a sip of her firewhiskey. "Are they nice?" Bellatrix asked the younger girl and Y/N nodded, "Mattheo is good and Tom likes to read, so I would say they are pretty nice" Y/N said as she ate another bite from her burger. "Pretty nice, huh?" Bellatrix said as she wiggled her eyebrows at Y/N making the girl look down and smile to herself. "I just said they are pretty nice because of the way they respect us not anything else" Y/N said and Bellatrix nodded. "And I was just saying that they seem nice" Bellatrix said in defence, "but remember I was your age once as well" Bellatrix continued and Y/N shook her head at the women. "How's Lestrange?" Y/N asked and Bellatrix sighed, "we had another fight so I went back to the Malfoy Manor to visit my beautiful sister and her handsome husband to get my mind off that man" Bellatrix said and looked down at her butterbeer. "You know I was telling Pansy that if I was attending Hogwarts back when my father and mother were attending I would date Lucius" Y/N said and Bellatrix giggled at the girl.

"You and Narcissa would have had to fight it out I would say" Bellatrix said and Y/N giggled to herself. "Even Draco knows that I always try and flirt with his father, who wouldn't? He's attractive" Y/N said as she finished her burger making Bellatrix shake her head at the girls little crush on the Malfoy man.

Y/N walked into the Slytherin common room and saw Draco sleeping on Blaise lap as Blaise was sleeping leaning back into the couch they were on. Y/N giggled to herself as she walked towards her dormitory and found a bouquet of little daisies with a note attached,

picked them out myself, Theo :)

Y/N placed the daisies into a clear vase as she thought about Mattheo going through the effort of picking out daisies just because he watched her pick one up once. Y/N smiled as she sat on her bed and looked down at the note once more before she stood up and walked towards the Riddle's dormitory knocking lightly as Mattheo opened the door. He smiled down at her, "you got my little gift?" Mattheo asked and Y/N nodded as she sat on his bed. "It was very cute" Y/N said and Mattheo smiled as he looked down at all her love bites around her collarbone, "I'm glad you liked them" Mattheo said as he bent down and kissed Y/N's lips lightly. Y/N pulled Mattheo by his neck as she laid down on his bed and Mattheo grabbed behind her thighs pulling her further up his bed so he could lay in between her legs. "You know you look really good" Mattheo whispered against Y/N's lips as she smiled at the boy, "I had a date" Y/N replied and Mattheo pulled away and looked at Y/N with a serious look on his face. "It was with Draco's aunt, relax, it's not some random guy" Y/N said as she giggled at the boys reaction, "oh, yeah, Tom said something about you going out to see her" Mattheo said as he kissed Y/N on her nose. "Are you and Draco's family still close after everything?" Mattheo asked and Y/N nodded, "Draco's aunt has always been like a mother figure to me, she lives in France with her lover" Y/N said as Mattheo rested his head on Y/N's chest as she played with his hair. "Is that why you want to live in France?" Mattheo asked as he wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, "no, I want to move to France because that's where my mothers family was originally from" Y/N said as she stared up at the ceiling of the dormitory. Mattheo looked up to Y/N as he rested his chin against her, "you want to feel closer to her?" Mattheo asked the simple but powerful question and Y/N nodded as she looked down and made eye contact with Mattheo. Mattheo crawled towards Y/N as he placed a kiss to her forehead and then a kiss on her nose before he connected their lips. Y/N deepened the kiss as she ran her fingers through Mattheo's hair pulling him closer to her, Mattheo pressed himself against Y/N and Y/N could feel Mattheo was getting harder.

Y/N trailed one of her hands down Mattheo's body and slid her hand under his shirt as she felt his warm torso, scratching down his abs lightly making Mattheo moan sightly into the kiss. Mattheo placed one of his hands under Y/N's dress as he held onto Y/N's bare hip covered in a single strap from her panties. Mattheo pulled back as he looked down into Y/N's eyes and smiled down at the girl, "what?" Y/N asked and Mattheo shook his head before he placed a kiss on Y/N's lips once before he pulled back again. "You're just so beautiful" Mattheo said as Y/N blushed a little at the compliment and Mattheo leaned back down kissing her cheek, before he started placing open mouth kisses on her neck making her eyes roll back in pleasure.

Y/N walked out into the Slytherin common room to find Draco talking with Blaise, "should we go?" Y/N said as she pulled her jumper sleeves down. "Yes we shall" Draco said as he stood up with Blaise following him close behind, the three walked to join the rest of Hogwarts as the third and final challenge of the Triwizard Tournament was starting soon. The champions had to reach the Triwizard Cup, which was located in a hedge maze. Y/N sat next to Pansy as the parents of the champions sat with the staff and Y/N noticed Cedric's father talking with Cedric. "I'll be back" Y/N said as she stood up and walked down towards Cedric and his father, "good luck Diggory" Y/N said as she approached the two men. Cedric smiled widely at the younger girl as his father held out his hand towards the young girl, "Y/N Snape, a pleasure to see you as always" Amos said and Y/N shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine, your son has been doing very well so far" Y/N said as she winked towards Cedric making him blush a bit, "he's hardworking just like his old man" Amos said as he pulled Cedric close to him and the boy chuckled to himself. "Well I just came to wish you luck Hufflepuff" Y/N said as she waved towards Amos and walked back to sit with Pansy again. The challenge seemed to drag on as Pansy and Y/N were leaning on each other watching as Dumbledore was cheering for Harry as usual. A loud shout was heard and everyone broke into whispers as Amos ran and everyone saw Cedric was being carried out by Viktor and Fleur. Cedric was bleeding and everyone looked away as it looked like a crime scene, Cedric had broken his shoulder blade as he fell on it from running. Y/N felt her stomach drop at the poor boy who was trying to hold his emotions back in front of everyone and Y/N stood up and dragged Pansy to follow her. Severus looked towards his daughter and Pansy as they approached Cedric who was being carried out on a stretcher and taken to the hospital wing to see Madam Pomfrey. "A few weeks and you should be back to normal" Madam Pomfrey said as she wrapped Cedric's shoulder and put him in a sling. "I'm so glad it wasn't anything more serious" Amos said as he sat in the chair beside Cedric's bed. "Hufflepuff will survive to see another day" Y/N said as her and Pansy stood next to each other at the end of Cedric's hospital bed, and the boy looked up and smiled at the two girls.

"Was it Potter?" Y/N said and Cedric chuckled to himself before he shook his head, "I tripped over my own feet love" Cedric said and Y/N raised her eyebrows at the boy. "You sure?" Pansy said and Cedric smiled widely, "I'm sure it wasn't Harry's fault darlings" Cedric said as his father cleared his throat. "Potter seems to be a favourite I see" Amos said and Y/N giggled at the old mans comment, "Potter shouldn't have been taking part in the tournament in the first place" Y/N said as she felt anger towards the young boy who was just trying to do his best as he couldn't back out. "I'm surprised Dumbledore let him continue" Cedric said and Y/N shook her head, "Potter seems to be Dumbledore's favourite" Y/N said and Pansy giggled with the girl before Severus walked into the hospital wing. "That's enough girls, go join the rest of the students please" Severus said and Y/N nodded as her and Pansy left the hospital wing and joined everyone in the Great Hall. Cheers were heard loud and clear as Harry Potter had won the Triwizard trophy, and everyone was going crazy for the fourth year Gryffindor boy.

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