Chapter Nine

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"You're not part of the team yet," Ryder said.

"What?!" Chase exclaimed. "Why?!"

"I'm sorry, Chase. But you have to understand that the last time that the Paw Patrol went on a mission together, you left without saying goodbye. You were supposedly the most loyal one of all, and you left. How do you expect us to react to that? It takes time to trust someone again."

"Did all of you agree to this?" Chase asked. He looked across the dogs, none of them trying not to make eye contact. Some were facing the other way, and others were facing the ground. "Marshall? Rubble? Skye? Did you agree to this?" A tear rolled down Marshall's and Skye's cheeks.

"I...I," Chase stuttered. He was going to complain, but he thought better of it. Ever since having the conversation with Liberty at the dog obedience center, Chase had taken a lot of thought on it. Ryder also told Chase that he was born to be a hero. But a hero needs to be trusted. A hero cannot be a hero without trust from others. Even before CHase returned to Adventure Bay, he knew that it would take time to regain their confidence in him. Chase sighed and put his head and ears down. "Yes, sir," he said softly. The others looked at Chase in the corner of their eyes, feeling sorry for him.

"Thank you for understanding, Chase," Ryder said. "Anyways, we have a situation. Captain Turbot was using the crane on the Flounder to load a few boxes onboard when some of the boxes fell. Wally's tail was under one of the boxes when the box landed on it. He might be hurt because there was a heavy, new gauge inside the box." The Paw Patrol gasped. "For this mission, I will need Rubble. You will use your bulldozer and crane to lift all the heavy and dangerous objects away from Wally."

"Rubble on the double," Rubble exclaimed.

"I will also need Marshall," Ryder continued. "You will give Wally a check-up. Make sure he isn't hurt, but if he is, you will tend his injuries. You will also make sure that Wally doesn't overheat."

"Ready for a Ruff-Ruff Rescue," Marshall said.

"Rocky, I will need you to check on the boxes. You will make sure nothing broke and fix whatever did break."

"Green means go," Rocky stated.

"And Zuma. Since it was on the deck, some pieces and equipment may have fallen into the water. You will use your submarine to bring out anything that fell in."

"Let's dive in," Zuma exclaimed.

"Alright, Paw Patrol is on a roll," Ryder called out. He ran past the dogs as they cheered and went down the fireman's pole that led to the garage where he stored his ATV. The chosen pups went down the slide towards their vehicles. Once they were all ready, they left to finish their mission.

Chase watched from the balcony as they left the Lookout. He sighed sadly. "I'm not trustworthy," he told himself. That phrase hurt him more than if someone had stabbed him with a dagger. Being a German Shepherd, Chase was motivated by loyalty and devotion to his family and friends. He didn't want to know that his family didn't trust him. 'I'm not trustworthy," he repeated.

"Are you okay, Chase?" Skye asked as she walked onto the balcony.

"I will be, Skye," Chase replied.

"I know this must be hard for you," Skye told him. She sat down on the seat next to him. "But we just got you back from the dead. We don't know what to believe anymore. We're just confused by all of this."

"I know," Chase said. "I knew that regaining trust would take some time. I knew that since I started coming back."

"And why did you come back?"

Chase looked at her, wondering why she needed to ask that question. "You guys are my family, Skye. I would always return if I can help it."

"I know, but why now? Why not come sooner?"

"Oh, that's what you meant," Chase realized. "Well, anyway..." Chase explained to her about the Street King. Chase explained that it was the king's way to hurt him, as well as those close to him. He explained that after Chase heard of the Street king's death, he figured that he could finally return to Adventure Bay. "I came as soon as I could," Chase finished.

"How did your family react?" Skye asked. Chase hadn't mentioned them in the story, but it was on Skye's mind the entire time.

Chase sighed. "Skye, they're my family. They didn't want me to leave because they loved me. And I loved them too. But I also love this family. I love the Paw Patrol," Chase said. He would've added that he loved Skye differently than the others, but he heard Ryder and the others returning. "I have to go," Chase said softly. Before he left, he put his arm around Skye. "But I will be coming back. I always will." Chase kissed her on the cheek and walked away.

He walked into the elevator, and the door closed. As he looked at Skye, he smiled. He stared at Skye until he couldn't see her anymore. The elevator opened up on the bottom floor. Chase walked out of the elevator as Ryder walked into the Lookout. "Where's everyone else?" Chase asked.

"At Katie's clinic," Ryder replied. "There was a small oil leak at the Flounder. They went to take baths to remove the oil out of their fur."

"All of them?"

Ryder laughed. "Yeah, I couldn't believe it either. At least they will be clean for the party."

Chase was confused for a sec. "Oh, right, the party," he said when he remembered about the party. "I forgot that the party was today. Um, Ryder, can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course, Chase," Ryder replied. He led Chase over to the couch, and they both sat down on it. "What's wrong?"

"I just wanted to ask for a second chance, Ryder, sir," Chase confessed.

"Chase, I don't know..."

"Please, Ryder, sir. My duty is with the Paw Patrol. That's where I belong. I know that you have no reason to trust me but before the incident, did you have any reason not to trust me?"

"No, I didn't..."

"Exactly. Ryder, I am still the trustworthy, loyal pup that I was when I left," Chase said.

"You never did mention why you left," Ryder commented. So Chase told him the same thing he explained to Skye. Chase told Ryder about the Street King. Chase explained that it was the king's way to hurt him, as well as those close to him.

"You see, Ryder, sir?" Chase asked. "Am I saying that you should trust me again? That's not my place to say. But I wish for another chance. You choose if you can still trust me, and I hope that you do. I hope you can still see me as the hero that you said that I was born to be."

Ryder thought about it. He knew that Chase had always been trustworthy and loyal. He also missed his dog. "Okay," Ryder said. "You're back on the team." Before Chase could celebrate, Ryder added, "as long as you never leave without warning again."

"I promise," Chase said. He jumped onto Ryder's lap. He licked Ryder's face, which tickled Ryder.

"Chase," Ryer laughed. "You're not a lap dog anymore."

"Right, sorry," Chase said as he got off him. He laid down on the couch next to Ryder and laid his head on Ryder's lap. "Better?"

"Better," Ryder agreed. He put one arm on the armrest, and with the other, he scratched behind Chase's ear.

Chase had one eye open, and Chase noticed Skye watching from the elevator. He nudged his head, inviting her over. Skye understood the message and walked over. She sat down next to them on the couch. As they waited for the others, Skye ended up resting her head against Chase. She dozed off minutes later. 

"I'm glad you're back, Chase," Ryder said as his eyes were closing.

Chase looked down at Skye, who was sleeping against him. "Yeah, me too, Ryder, sir," Chase agreed. "Me too."

***Author’s Note***
I am dedicating this chapter and chapter four to APawPatrolFanatic. Thank you for your long-time support and have a great day.

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