Chapter One

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Shannon Elizabeth Banks
Charlotte, North Carolina

I've been here in North Carolina for awhile now after life went to hell. Well, hell on earth. To have escaped all that hurt and pain and come to a place for a new beginning has been the best descion I've ever made. Oh I am so sorry where are my manners. My name is Shannon and this is the story of how exactly I ended up here.

Thomas and I were high school sweethearts, with him being a year older. We had been best friends since seventh grade. The day we graduated college he proposed and of course I wasn't going to say no. Twenty and twenty-one years old we got married with a big wedding with all of our family and friends. Five years in things seemed great. My nursing career was going good, his career was going great. He was promoted within the first three years. With the new promotion it afforded us more time together, so we started trying for a baby. We felt it was time to finally have our family to complete our happily ever after. Well unfortunately that's where things started going downhill.

After my last pregnancy, which was my sixth, things went straight to hell. Sixteen weeks in I lost yet another baby. Tommy wasn't home much afterwards, he stayed out late, if he was home we barely talked. Once I recovered and somewhat gathered my emotions, thanks to Angela, my best friend and sister, we went out to get back to normalcy. That was a mistake. We went shopping, the spa and lunch to cheer me up. Which it did, until we saw my husband with a pregnant woman and a little girl, whose was no older than four. I remained calm, hoping it wasn't what I was feeling. Sadly he proved it right when he kissed her while caressing her belly.

The tears fell silently as I looked on. "Oh hell no!" Angela was taking off. "Angie no." "Shannon, you can't just let him disrespect you like that. That bitch ain't even that cute." "We are in public, where I'm sure they will call the police. Let's just go. Not here, not right now." I said walking off. All the loving and supporting of him for it all to smack me in the face with disappointment and anger. More so I was hurt. Almost twenty years we have known each other. Fell madly in love with each other but the one thing I couldn't give him she did. Why? Why not just leave me, be with her and have what you want. Why waste the years and put more hurt on me. Knowing the journey was way more difficult for me as it's my body going through all of this. I was so gone in my thoughts I didn't realize Angie had pulled up to my house.

"You good Shan?" "No." My voice cracked. "Aww boo." She said hugging me. "What's wrong with me, Angie? Am I not good enough?" "Uh uh, you will not start that. Tommy is an asshole that is only worried about his own feelings. When you miscarried this last time was he there? Did he call and check on you or hell come home to comfort his wife? No. Shannon you are and forever will be good enough. There is nothing wrong with you. He is the one with the issues. So stop that right now. You will not go back into that dark place again. That was so scary Shannon. We could've lost you." She was right. I could never go back to that place ever again. Let's just say I'm thankful Angie walked in that day.

That night I sat in the living room waiting for him along with his stuff. "Oh, hey Shannon. I didn't think you would be up. What's with all the garbage bags by the door?" "What's her name?" "Huh?" "What is her name?" "Whose name?" "The bitch I caught you with today. Y'all looked like a real little family one on your hip and one in her belly." The look on his face said it all. "Baby I can explain." "No baby nothing. Save it. There is nothing you can say to justify your wrongs but I do have one question. How many more times were you going to let me go through that heartache before you finally decided to leave? Hmm?" "Shannon I am so sorry it was never suppose to-" "I don't want to hear it Thomas. Judging by the looks of things this was years in the making. Instead of being here to comfort and console you were out fucking that bitch. I hate you Thomas and, I hope you get the karma you deserve. Take all your shit and get out. You will be contacted by a lawyer by tomorrow."

A whole month he tried to beg and pled for forgiveness, for another chance. "Shannon don't hang up baby just listen. We can work this out. I know we can. Once we lost the last baby I felt bad. One, because we were so close to having our family, two, I couldn't bare to see you like that. So broken and defeated. We can keep trying baby, we can adopt we can do whatever. Please give us another chance." I looked at the phone in disbelief. "Thomas I'm sorry, do you hear yourself? You want me to stay in a marriage to help you and your side bitch with your kids. To constantly rub it in my face that she has your children. Kai'land and TJ right? He should be almost three weeks now. You've done something unforgivable and I regret the day I ever met your sorry, good for nothing ass. You act like this was just a one time thing. No, for four years you laid up with that woman while leaving me to deal with the pain. Goodbye, Thomas."

Once Angela told about a new job offer, she suggested I come with her. To not only forget this mess but start anew. Now here we are in the Queen City two years later, both of us doing great. Even though we're not at the same hospital, we still get together when our schedules can meet. Some days, I am reminded of what once was, what could have been. But some how I know more good things are coming my way.


Hello beautiful people. This is a new story I've been working on for a while. As for One heart, two souls that book will be on hold with occasional updates.

As for this one tell me what you think so far. How about Shannon's story of how she got to where she is today. The next chapter we will meet Marcus, our other main character, with his story.

Alright not gonna hold you make sure to tap the star, comment and add the book to your library to know when this book is updated. Recommend to your people.



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