Chapter Ten

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Luther Vandross played downstairs waking me up. What is this man doing this early in the morning? Sitting up in bed there was a trail of rose petals. Throwing on my robe, I followed getting closer to the music. He had the entire dinning room filled with flowers, balloons and bags from every store I love.

"Aww baby!" "A thousand kisses from you is never too much." He sang into my ear. "Happy Valentine's Day baby."
"Happy Valentine's Day." "You like it?" "I love it. This is so sweet. Thank you, bear." "You're welcome." "You making my gifts look obsolete compared to this." "I'm sure what ever you got me is amazing." I felt like a kid on Christmas opening all the purses and shoes I've wanted. Plus a ton of Fenty Beauty. "Come on I made you breakfast before we head to work?" Heart shaped waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese grits, toast and fruit salad. Oh yeah, he is getting this. After that buffet I gave him a sneak peek of what to expect tonight. That quickly moved to me being penned up against the shower wall, eyes rolling, nails digging in his back. Best Valentine's Day ever and it's not even 9am.

"I'll see you tonight, seven o'clock." "Okay." We we're just about to kiss when we got interrupted. "Can y'all go on somewhere with all that." "Weren't you just slobbing my boy in the back hall." Coco blushed hiding her face. "We were not. I'm a respectable young woman." "Yes and I raised a good Christian boy. Chile please." Ms. Laura said. "See you later."

Work went by so slow. It seemed like time was dragging but after lunch it picked up very quickly. This only gave me less than an hour to get ready. Of course, Marcus went all out. He had a driver for the night and rented out this huge building. Which was decorated beautifully and an even more gorgeous set up for dinner. No one has ever done something like this. Not even Thomas. I'm officially spoiled and could care less who don't like it. I love it!

"I'm stuffed." "Me too. You've made today so wonderful. The breakfast, gifts, this dinner. Thank You, baby!" "It's nothing. Just glad you enjoyed yourself." "Here's your gift." "Thank you, baby." "It might not be as much as you got me but, I hope you like it." "Please, I appreciate any and every thing you give me." He started with the small boxes. "Yo babe! Seriously!" "You like it?" "Hell yeah. Whoo wee" He grabbed the watch out of the box putting it on. "Yeah, that's hot. Thank you, babe!" He opened the next one. "Shannon." He got teary eyed. "I remember you said your great grandmother gave you a chain like that but it was stolen." He wiped his tears before leaning over the table giving me a kiss. "I love it." "Last one." He pulled the last box out as his eyes went wide. "You didn't?" "All you see is a Jordan box." "Yeah, but special Jordans come in special boxes." He ripped the paper back. "BABY! THE UNC AIR 6's. How did you- Oou woman you lucky we in public. Just wait." "You are silly." "Nah I'm foreal. If I wasn't raised right you'd be on this table. To hell with dessert." "

Afterwards we ended up back at his place. Laid out in the tub like Harper and Robin. I know I can ask of him and he'll do it for me but I still might need to sweet talk him a little bit for this one. "Bear?" "Mhm." "You know how I was nervous to meet your family." "I do." "And you told me to just be myself they'll love me." "Yeah now I have to fight Cam over you." That is true, which made me giggle. "Well my family is coming into town for my mother's birthday. Being that I have this new wonderful man in my life I think it's time you meet them." "Are you sure?" "Yes I am. I've met your family it's only right you meet mine." "Aight. When are they coming?" "Next Friday morning." "Cool. Let's make mom's birthday a great one." "Thank you, bear." "You're welcome, baby girl."

We showered off and did our nightly routines before climbing in bed. "This is for you." He handed me a small black box. "Marcus." "No more, I promise this is it." A nervous feeling wracked over me before opening it. "A key?" "I want you to move in with me. It maybe too soon but we're together all the time. Going between each other's homes. You already have closet space and half the dresser." We are practically living together now. We just choose a house and crash for the night. I even started buying toys for Cam. He has a huge bucket of LEGOs and a toy bin in my living room right now. Plus I've gotten use to coming home to someone and hearing little feet come running on the weekends.

"I mean we did skip some steps and went straight to shackin. Why not." "So...that's a yes? Your man need clarity." "Yes Marcus." He jumped on me kissing my neck. He got my spot making me laugh. You know how it starts. Slow and sensual then it gradually becomes more intense. The last thing I can recall is my legs going up and him going down for the fourth time. I swear he's trying to kill me.


"Yo!" "Yo Marc hurry up man. Just got a important call." "Bet I'll be there in a bit. I'm round the corner." I walked in speaking to everybody. Making my way upstairs I turn the corner heading straight for Corey's office. Of course, he got some random on his lap. "Yeah, let me call you right back. He just walked in." He hung up as whatever flavor of the week eased out. "What's good?" "Nothing much. What's up with you?" "Same ole." "I see." Motioning to the girl. "That's nothing but I just got a call from Langston Grey." "Ole buddy from Florida?" "Yeah, he's invited us to come check out the scene and talk some business." "Really now? What was the vibe?" "Seems legit we've done business before. Things have always worked out. There's no telling what we could get into this time."

"More exposure, more opportunities. Lang's never stirred us wrong. We could use a vacation too. Shit let's go." "My nigga. Let me call him now. We came up with the best time to fly down and decided to make it a group trip. "One more thing. You know how we talked about going into the restaurant industry." "Yeah?" "Well, there's a young lady who just opened a southern restaurant downtown." He handed me a folder. "She's looking for an investor. "Neveah Cordell, 26. She wants to move locations or open another restaurant." We go deep with background checks. We had all her information down to her high school gpa. "Set up a meeting for when we get back and see what Ms. Cordell is about." "Gotcha. Let's hit these books." We went over the bills and payroll. Budgeted out for these new investments. Basic business.

"Aight bruh. I'll holla at you later." "Later, man. Take it easy." We dapped up before I headed out. Being able to do this so young is a blessing. Own a thriving business, taking care of our people. It honestly feels like a story or movie. Not a millionaire but stable. I have a beautiful woman in my corner who supports me and vice versa. Whatever dream this is please, don't wake me up from it. Speaking of looks likes she's home from work. Time doesn't seem that fast but we've been together almost a year. When I tell you I'm on another planet I mean that. This relationship has been different in so many good ways. I got real love for this woman.

"Babe?" "Yes bear." I made it upstairs. Of course she's in the bed. "Hey gorgeous." "Hey baby." I gave her a kiss before hitting the shower. After doing my routine, I climbed in right beside her. Laying on her chest. "Big baby." "Hey babe, how would you feel going to Miami with me. Corey and I got some business to handle but also might get into some things. You can invite the girls have some fun, some good food." "When are you talking about leaving?" "Two weeks from now." "I'll text the girls now. Coco will go for sure." "Cool. We have next weekend for your mom then vacation." "I could surely use that." She gives off this energy and vibe. Safe and peaceful. She feels like home. That plus her scratching my scalp I'm out within five minutes.


Hey hey y'all. I'm not gone keep ya long. I know this was looooong overdue. No excuses just fell out of writing plus school and work is a beast. Now the semester is over so I'll have more time now. Hope you enjoyed this update. Excuse any mistakes or grammar. I'm hood country. Lol

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