Chapter Seventeen

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I chose this location for its set up. It's public and has a lots of traffic being that the mall is literally next door. I said a quick prayer before getting out. I walked into the restaurant spotting her instantly. Let's get this over with. "What do you want Lena?"

"You've never spoken to me like that before. Cougar gave the cub some balls." She smirked. "You not going to disrespect my woman in my face. Now, cut the bullshit. You here cause you want something and you're looking for me to save you. So, for the last time what do you want?" She looked at me with that slick grin. It took everything in me not to snatch her up. "You." I glad I have on shades to hide the way I just roughly rolled my eyes. "It's been a few years and I've had time to reflect. The way I treated you was not of my character. It was selfish. I came back to visit my folks, hoping to see you. To apologize and maybe start over."

This is just classic. Of course when I'm happy the past comes to try and work its way back in. It honestly made me laugh Gio tried to warn me. "Wow. Four years and that's the best you can come up with. After leading me on for years, then took over twenty thousand dollars. Oh and let's not forget your post all over social media telling everybody how easy it was to finesse me. There was never really any love. Just what I could do for you."

"You don't mean that, baby." She got up leaning across the table grabbing my tie. "We belong together. The way we complement each other, we know each other better than anyone and had the best sex I ever had. You're just using her to get over me. It's cute or whatever. You and your cougar but she'll never be able to do what I can." Before I knew it she'd pulled me into a kiss.

I tried pulling away but she grabbed my head after a few more seconds I finally got her off me. "The hell is wrong with you Lena?" I said wiping my lips, drinking water trying the get the taste out of my mouth. She looked at me smirking. Crazy bitch. I got something for that ass.


"We could probably hit the outlet after this." Coco suggests. "Oo I did want to check for some new shoes at the Nike store." "Oo the new Ivy Park is out now too." "I swear y'all's top three places to shop are Nike, Target and Bath & Body Works." Angie said. "I do need new candles." Nadia pouted." "Oh lord." "Come on. It's over by Margo's." Angie laughed at Nadia. "Fine but I'm pulling you out before the scents mix and cause a headache."

Coco and I kept picking at them while deciding which stores were next. Getting close to the restaurant something familiar caught my eye. Someone that looked like Marcus with another woman. I didn't think nothing of it until they kissed. "Uh uh" "Hell no!" You would think that this was deja vu. "Shannon look at me. You good?" Words wouldn't come out but my legs could move. They took me straight for the exit. No matter if we parked on this side I need to get out.

"What did he say he was doing?" "He and Corey were supposed to be meeting up." "Are you sure it was him?" Coco asked. "He was wearing that exact suit when he left this morning." How did life come back and hit me twice. This was too much to handle. We said our goodbyes while Angie drove.

My mind played back the different scenarios. Thomas with his family, Marcus and whom I'm assuming was Lena. I blanked out from there. Only thing on my mind was getting out. Before I knew it half of my side of the closet was sitting in bags across the bed. "Shannon?" "Just grab a bag, Angie. Take my car." I said handing her the keys. We put the rest in the back of my truck before hopping in the front. I cannot believe I let it happen again.

"Thank you." I said after throwing the last bag in the guest room of my old house. "You know I got you." I could feel her eyes piercing the back of my head. "Go ahead and say it." "You don't think this was a little much?" I turned around looking at her. "Hear me out. You don't know if it was him or not." "Trust, I know it was him. My name on his neck next to the cross for his cousin. The way he has his dreads put up in that specific style."

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