Chapter Sixteen

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"Bear?" "Yeah, Babe." I walked in with a sleeping Cameron. "Hey baby. How'd you end up with Cameron on a Wednesday?" "On my way in, they called Mel into work last minute. I tried calling to let you know." "My phone is on the couch and you know I'll never say no to keeping him." That's one of the things I loved about Shannon. She understood my relationship with my sister and how I helped her. Since that first day of them meeting they've loved each other. The moment he sees her it's forget Uncle Marc. Traitor.

She rubbed his head waking him up. "Hi Titi." He said groggily. "Hi handsome. Let's get you a bath and some pajamas, okay?" "Okay." "Please tell me-" "Food is on the stove." She kissed me before going to handle Cam. I took a quick shower myself before heading downstairs. Little laughs caught my ear as I passed the bathroom.

"Now we have to get these stinky feet. Mm your feet smell like your uncle's." "Uh uh." "Yes huh." She tickled his feet making him laugh. "Okay big boy, five more minutes or you'll start looking like a prune." Damn I love that woman. "Yes lord." She made oxtails, stew beef and rice with cabbage, green beans and cornbread. I said a quick prayer before going in. Yeah, I'm definitely marrying her."Look at uncle Marc being greedy and not sharing." She stood in the entryway with Cam on her hip. "Not nice uncle Marc." "Seriously half of the cornbread?" "Hey you know it's my weakness I be telling you to make a bigger pan." "I did, that's why that is your pan. So, don't even think about touching mine." "Yes ma'am. Sit it down, I'll fix your plates."

"How was it today?" "Pretty good. Grandma sends her love and next time I better bring you." When I say the whole family loves her, it's not a joke. "Next time I'll make sure to have the day off so you don't get in trouble." We sat down like a little family eating dinner. Cameron being his usual silly self kept us laughing.

"Titi can we watch a movie?" "Sure baby." She said wiping his face and hands. "You remember how to work the TV?" "Yes ma'am." He nodded running to the living room. I helped clean up the kitchen before we joined Cam on the couch.

"So much for having my woman to myself." "Jealous." "Damn right." Cam had made his way to her lap and fell asleep halfway through Justice League. I carried him upstairs to his Black Panther themed room turning on the nightlight. "Goodnight handsome." She said tucking him in.

Making our way to our room she began wrapping her hair. "He's definitely done for the night." "Yeah, after taking all my loving of course he's out." She giggled climbing in the bed. "Come here, big baby." Out of all the material things she spoils me the most with this affection every night. Being close, listening to her heartbeat while she scratches my scalp is heaven. We ended up putting on Living Single to watch before falling asleep.


Being with Cam always makes me feel good. Especially since he attaches hisself to me soon as he hits the door. When he leaves we both cry like we won't see each other in a week. It's always so quiet when he's gone and the house feels a little less joyful. Bye Titi. Bye baby. See you next weekend,okay?" "Okay." "Have a good day. I love you." "Love you too." He hugged me tight. "Alright, that's enough. Them right there for me homie." Cam laughed waving bye while Marcus took him inside the school.

"Okay. Grocery shopping and then lunch?" "Sounds like a plan." We walked around Harris Teeter filling up the cart. Paid and went to the Walmart for the cheaper stuff. Go ahead and judge us. We like not paying an extra two dollars because of the store. Of course, this man had to get every snack because the snack corner in the game room is low. No wonder they never leave that room unless they have to pee. I need some one to have a niece in his family, these boys are too much. "I'm going to need you and the guys to come out for sunlight every thirty minutes." "We can try but them COD rounds be long as hell." "Yeah, yeah."


"Where are we headed next?" "First you're going to feed me then home, so you can rub my feet." "Oh, I'll rub more than your feet. I'll rub your feet, your booty, your thighs." "Don't start in front of all these people." I got her spot on her neck before we were interrupted. "Marcus?" Please lord tell me this is just a test of the emergency broadcast system. Because I know she's not here right now in this store. "Marcus, Hey!" Oh my damn. "Lena." "Wow, it's been awhile hasn't it?"

"Mhmm" I felt Shannon squeeze my hand.
"This is my lady Shannon." You could feel the tension between them. "Nice to meet you." Lena said with that fake smile looking her up and down. "Likewise." Babe said with equal attitude. "Well, you have a good one. Come on baby." Luckily, we didn't park that far from the door. We loaded everything in the trunk before heading out. Need to get far away from here. "So, that's Lena?" "Unfortunately." "Hmm."

Lena Davenport was a girl I met working at Mr. Romano's. Coincidentally, we were going to the same school. We started kicking it after we closed up, studied together. After a while, we started dating. She's the one that was there when shit really hit the fan and my father got real sick.

When the money from the stocks came in I noticed the changes. I didn't want to believe it. She had this power over me that would never fade her good girl image. It wasn't until her mother called begging me to help with her bills. After, Lena just asked me for the money earlier that week. When she didn't return my calls I knew something was up. I don't know how she did it but she got my account information and took 20,000 dollars before disappearing. Come to find out she was living la vida loca with my "homeboy" down in Miami.

"Baby look at me." I gently turned her to face me. "Don't let her get to you." "Lucky I'm a changed woman, I'd set her straight for looking at me like that." She so cute when she gets fired up. "I know but trust there's nothing to worry about with that one." Boy was I wrong.


"Then she had the nerve to look me up and down." "You should've snatched her up. Walmart is the fighting place." I'm too old to be fighting." "You make it sound like you're sixty damn years old. Girl, you are in your thirties. Disrespect is disrespect."
"Angie you know I don't do that anymore."

"Well, shit I'll tag the hoe for you since you're holy now." "Not holy, just calm." "Same shit." "Baby?" Marcus peeked around the corner. "I'll call you back." "Aight girl." I guess he knows I'm ticked off. "Yes?" "I love you." "I love you too." "Can I come in?" "You act like I'm going to hit you." "Well your face is still in RBF mode and you called me by my name." "So?" "So? What happened to bear?" "I'm not mad at you. I promise." He hugged me from the back as usual. Big baby. "I still owe you lunch and a rub." "That might ease the tension." "Ohh!" "Not that rub freaky."


Since that day Lena had been stopping by the club, even going as far as coming to the hospital. After the fourth day, Corey told her if she comes by again she'll leave with trespassing charges. Those two weeks of ducking and hiding were tiring. It was hard trying to keep her away and most importantly away from Shannon. I gave in once she caught me coming out the hospital on break.

"Finally!" Why can't I have just one damn day of peace. "You know you are one hard man to find." "The hell are you doing at my job?" Luckily, I head out a few minutes before Shannon. Although, Lena won't be far from treatment. "I just want to talk. Apologize appropriately." "Apology not accepted." "Five minutes. That's all I'm asking for and I'll leave you alone." The woman is sneaky and cannot be trusted. "Fine, Saturday, Margo's at noon."


What's Up What's Up WHAT'S UP!!!

Long overdue update I know. No excuses. Anyway let's get into this update. The past had come back and reared its ugly head. We meet Lena this chapter. I think we all know she got to go ASAP. Where did this whore come from and why is she here Ike?

Let's also talk about Shannon pulling away more and more. Now here comes more drama and had the nerve to look her up and down.

* How do y'all think they will handle this?

* Thoughts on Lena?

Anywho, leave me your thoughts in the comments. Suggestions. Vote, Share and Don't forget to add this book to your library to know when a new chapter is uploaded. Appreciate you guys.


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