Chapter Eight

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Waking up and seeing her beautiful face next to me always does something inside. Being with her in general just feels so different. I've never caught feelings this hard, this fast. There's no way in hell I'm letting her go. I want her to see the beauty and perfection I see looking at her. Down to the little things. The way her right eyebrow raises when she's mad or they scrunch together when she's stressed. The differences in her voice when she's sad but tries to cover it. The way we joke and have fun together. How her smile goes just a little higher when she gets her favorite things. All I want to do is make her happy, cater to her. To me she's everything I wanted. Guess I'm just built different to want to cherish and spoil my woman.

It's almost eleven might as well wake her up. I eased over kissing her neck finding her spot instantly. "Uh uh Babe, move." "Come on, now." Grabbing her waist I started tickling her sides making her laugh. "Okay okay, I'm up." "I have a plan if you're willing to come with me." "Do I get to eat?" Before I could say a word there was banging at the door. "Who the fuck is banging on my door like they the police?" Checking the camera my eyes widened. There stood my sisters along with my mother and nephew. "Aw shit. It's my family." Her eyes went wide before taking off to the bathroom. I threw on some sweatpants and a shirts almost taking myself outgoing downstairs.

"It's definitely a female's car. You know he loves them damn loud ass trucks." "He does have the challenger though." "Whatever. MAAARRRRCCUUSSSS! "Damn Melody, I do have neighbors." "Yeah but they're far enough down the road to not care." I mushed her out the way. "Hey mama." "Hey baby." "What's up, little man." "Hi uncle Marc." I let them in before my sisters cause more of a disturbance. Mel smacked my head. "Mush me again." "Go play right quick, man. Not that I don't love you guys, but what are you doing here?"

"Well I was here with Marcia meeting with Mel and I wanted to see my one and only baby boy. Maybe go out to lunch so, boom. Judging by the way you look we may have disturbed something here." The tag waving in my face told on me. My mother smirked at me while I caught Mel tryna sneak upstairs. "Aye, where you going?" "To use the bathroom." Nosey ass. "Uh uh, you know there's one down here." "What's up there?" Marcia asked. "Not what but who?" Mel said. "Nothing." "JoJo?" My mother called my nickname. "ma'am." "Shannon's here ain't she?" I would never lie to my mother. "Yes ma'am." "Ooohhh JoJo got a girlfriend!" I smacked my lips "Y'all so childish." "I wanna meet her." "Yeah I wanna see who finally got into the big bears heart. Especially if she's going to be around Cameron." I looked at my mama hoping for some sort of help. She sat on the couch, purse to the side. "I agree girls." Why lord why? "Can I at least have twenty minutes to get the funk off me?" The twins scrunched up their faces. "Yeah she a good one if she can deal with that."

I took off upstairs. She'd already changed the sheets. "Babe?...Shannon?" "Yeah,baby?" "Um okay. So my mother and sisters are downstairs. They want to meet you, like right now." Her eyes went big. "I know, I know it's all of a sudden. This was not the way I wanted you all to meet. But tell God your plans if you want to make him laugh right? I promise my mom is a little harsh but she's cool. My sisters are annoying but they're sweet."

I never took a shower and got dressed so quick. The last thing I need is thing one and two coming up here or "exploring". "Ready?" "Are sure they're gonna like me." "They'll love you. Calm down. Just be yourself." "Ooo here they come." "Mama play nice." "Girl I'm yo mama." "Say not  nice Nana." "Not nice nana."

"Ladies and little man, I'd like y'all to meet Shannon. Babe. This is my mother Marilyn, my sisters Melody and Marcia and my main man, Cameron." "It's nice to meet y'all." "Baby don't be all shy we won't bite ya." "I'm just shocked she's real." "Wait are you real or a hologram like Whitney Houston?" See what I have to deal with. Shannon giggled. "No, I am very much real." "Damn Jojo fix your face we are just messing with her."

For The Love of You (On Hold)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum