Chapter Seven

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(Warning: This chapter is sexual explicit. Just fair warning, there will be a sex scene. So do not be surprised.)


What can I say about the past few months? Besides work becoming a little more chaotic, they have been amazing. Marcus and I have gotten closer. I'm slowly learning to trust him and open up more. The more time we spend together the deeper I fall for him. This is all new for me. Feelings are getting involved and I can't stop them from building. I feel like a fifteen-year-old girl all over again. The emotions, the tightening in my chest just thinking about him.

"Excuse me, I have a delivery for Shannon Banks." That would be her. Nadia pointed. "Thank you." I tried giving him a tip. "Oh no worries ma'am. It's already taken care of." A small bouquet of roses with a black box attached. "Girl who is sending you gifts out of the blue?" Coco asked wiggled her eyebrows. "I have no idea."

"Saw these and thought of you. Hope you have a great day and even better rest of the week. Can't wait to see that beautiful face. ❤️"

I opened the box to reveal a beautiful bracelet. "Oh my god." "Damn is that real." "Oouu, Shannon got a boyfriend." Nadia said picking at me, playfully. If I could turn red, I'd be a tomato in the face. "He's not my boyfriend, just a friend." "Mhmm what's his name?" "Nunya." "Oh okay. That's cool. Ima figure it out eventually. Coco said quickly going for her rounds while I sneakily sent him a text.

"Thank you so much for the flowers and bracelet. They are so beautiful!!😘❤️"

I couldn't keep the smile off my face. By the end of the day he was waiting on me We haven't really seen each other since I've been on double duty. "You, sir, are too nice." "It's nothing, really." He hugged me, kissing my forehead. "Thank you again for the flowers and the bracelet. They're beautiful." "But?" "I can't accept the bracelet. Just looking at it, I know it's well over two grand. That's way too much especially on me." "Queens deserve to be spoiled and catered to. I'll show you time after time how much you deserve the world." He is too good for this world. "You always treat me or take me out. How about I treat you this time especially as a way of thanks?" "Nah baby you don't have to." "I insist. Eight o'clock tonight at my place. Don't be late." "Yes ma'am." We shared a kiss before parting ways.

Arriving at home I proceeded to change into something comfortable. Luckily I had my steaks marinating. Taking out the rest of the ingredients I prepared everything. The steaks and lobsters will be last since they take the shortest time. I threw the potatoes in the oven, put the noodles on to let them boil and shredded the cheese. Getting in the groove with the music I'm all over the kitchen making sure nothing burns and everything is set right. By the time the Mac and cheese was ready I had just enough time to get ready. Running upstairs I took a quick shower, did light natural makeup and found a cute dress that hugged my curves just right. Just as I took everything out of the oven the doorbell rung. Right on time. "Hey gorgeous." "Hey handsome." His big arms wrapped me in a hug. He looked and smelled so good. "I brought you this." Pinot Noir, Thank you." "You're welcome. You got it smelling good in here." "Hope you like it." "Please, you don't get this big not eating good." "Silly."

Dinner was good. We shared laughs and conversation it always amazes me how mature he is. His mindset, his energy screams grown man. "Whoo lord. Where you learn to cook like that?" "My mother." "That was soul food. She gave you the trap him special." "Boy you are so crazy." "I was raised around older women, I know the secrets." I began clearing the table. "Aht you cooked so the least I could do is clean." "I got it." "Nah, go on now." "Fine I have to get something anyway." "Mhm."

I knew he wouldn't let me do the dishes. While he cleaned up the kitchen I snuck upstairs, slipped into a blue lingerie set with the matching silk robe. Heels or no heels. I am too damn short, heels. Looking in the mirror I started second guessing myself. I'm not the skinny model type. My little belly comes with the hips, amongst other things. I'm older so he may not see me the same as other women. Marcus has really been patient, loving, and caring. Stop overthinking and just do it.

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