Chapter Twenty

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Omniscient Pov

To say things have been chaotic within these last six months is an understatement. Melody has been in and out of court dealing with Kyle and his wife. Oh yeah. The bums had the nerve to bring this to court and it has been a mess from the start. When Kyle and Rasheeda walked in with Erin Blakely the Stewart family knew then what type of game they were on. Erin Blakley, ole blue eyes as the secretary called him, was one hound of a lawyer. He has almost a 85% win rate. That's only because he played dirty. He'd go so far back in one's history you'd think he was actually in your life. Luckily, Julia Jones, a great friend of the family, stepped in to help Melody.

Bailiff: "All rise for the honorable Judge Lauren Lake presiding. Court is now in session."

"Good Day, everyone. Ms. Stewart, Mr. Fitzpatrick you two are here today regarding custody of Cameron Stewart." "Yes ma'am." "Mr. Fitzpatrick, along side his wife, say they want full custody. Stating you, Ms. Stewart, have kept Mr. Fitzpatrick from his son for the past six years.""Correct, your honor." "Ms. Stewart, you say you would like to not only remain the primary and legal parent. You're also request a restraining order against the Fitzpatricks. Stating Mr. Fitzpatrick wanted absolutely nothing to do with your son and showed up causing chaos for your family." "Correct, your honor." They went through all the legal procedures before calling Melody to the stand.

Julia: "Ms. Stewart, can you tell me how you met Mr. Fitzpatrick." "We met at work. He was a director and I was a physician's assistant." "Now after this initial meeting did he inform you of his marriage?" "Yes, he did." "So, after hearing he's a married man. You still proceeded with the relationship?" "Yes." "Why?" "He told me they were separated, waiting on his divorce to be finalized." Julia passed along the divorce decree. "So, throughout the relationship he's still waiting? No updates?" "He would have mediations and he would say she was delaying it." "Had you ever met Mrs. Fitzpatrick?" "Not until the day he left." "What do you mean by that?" "After dating for almost two years I found out I was pregnant. He was happy. Excited for another son but during the last weeks of my pregnancy he told me he canceled the divorce. Showed up to my home with her saying he didn't care about us. He would never see me or my bastard. Began harassing me to stay away, never contact him and if it was really his child."

"Has he ever tried to reach out after your son was born?" "No, he hasn't. Until they popped up at my home months ago I had not seen or heard from him since he walked out. I did exactly what he said, his name is not even on the birth certificate. My son doesn't know him. He may not have his father but my brother and father stepped up to the plate. Especially, my brother." " Thank you. No further questions."

EB: "Ms. Stewart, why would you continue a relationship with a married man?" "Like I said he said he was separated. He even introduced me to their children. I had no choice but to believe him." "So, after he breaks off the relationship he began to question the paternity. Why not just take the test?" "I was not going to prove myself to anyone when we knew the truth." "Oh really? So you weren't having another relationship with a...Mr. Darius Mathers."

Melody's eyes wide, going silent. Soon her eyes watered looking down. "Ms. Stewart is that true?" She finally raised her head back up. "No, it is not true. Since you think you know everything, do you know where Mr. Mathers is Mr. Blakey?" "Yes, Sampson Correctional Institution." "And the charge?" "I'm not the one on the stand Ms. Stewart." "Rape. That's why he's there. We grew up together and always hung out. It was never an issue. Until one day he snapped when I told him I was dating Mr. Fitzpatrick. He beat and raped me in the same park we played in as kids. That's also how I found out I was pregnant."

Marcus had to walk out hearing the ultimate horror story of his sister's attack. He knew he would go off if he didn't calm down. Melody wiped her eyes before continuing. "So, no Mr. Mathers and I were never in a relationship."

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