Chapter Two

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Marcus Josiah Stewart
Charlotte, North Carolina

What's good? My name is Marcus and this is my story. It's really nothing, honestly I'm pretty boring.

Growing up my parents always worked hard to provide for my sisters and I. Some times things wouldn't go right. Like my pops getting laid off because the company was moving overseas. Not once but three times. After the last time I made a vow that when I was able to I would take care of them. That still didn't help me mentally. I started fighting a lot in school so bad to the point I got kicked out for almost taking a dude out. From that day, after so many ass whoopings, my sisters made sure I kept my head in the books while I was deemed helper with our grandmother's farm. Yes I said farm. I'm a certified country boy.

Once I hit sixteen the local community college started offering classes to us. Keeping up with those on top of regular school classes afforded me better opportunities in college. Until my pops got sick. After researching, watching different videos and a very good tip from a professor I started investing in the stock market. Starting very low eventually increasing the amounts overtime. What, at first, seemed like one of the biggest mistakes ever turned into one of the biggest paydays ever in my young life.

With the newly acquired wealth, it afforded me the opportunity to keep my promises. I retired my mother early so she could focus on pops, also buying them a brand new house. Gave the girls their parts for always being the motivators they are and taking care of me. What about yourself? I bought a reasonably sized home for a young bachelor, new trucks and just continued to work. Oh you didn't think I was just quitting and living a life of luxury did you? Nah, see we got to keep hustling, grinding, making that bread so it can continue to make itself.

Doing all this before twenty-five my grandmother jokes I've been here before. "You are so much wiser than your age, baby boy. It can take you places I could only dream. You have an old spirit." I guess because I'd rather listen to The Isley Brothers, Barry White or Jazz than all the babies, dolls and lil's out here now. I'm just a quiet person, really. Help out, take care of my family, work and that's it. I have dated here and there but they've always ended with us just being friends. Hell that only lasted for a few months before we just stop communicating all together. I've even had one dedicate a whole Instagram story to explain why I am weak, not boyfriend material oh and they was just using me for the life I could provide for them.

Out in public I may seen like the most hateful and mean man. I'm actually nice to my patients and if I know you. It's just a wall I have up to protect myself. Little did I know a certain someone would come in and tear it all down.


Hello beautiful people. Sorry I am late with this update but your boy was sick over the weekend. I'm better now so, here we are with another update. So, we learned about Marcus and his story of how he got to where he is today. Next chapter we finally get into the story and meet the rest of the folks.

Alright now make sure to tap the star, comment and add the book to your library to know when this book is updated. Recommend to your people.

Later ✌🏾


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