Chapter Eighteen

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Two months. Sixty motherfucking days I hadn't seen or heard from her. It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth. The house doesn't feel the same. Her essence and presence is most definitely missed here. I don't even sleep in our bed, the game room has become my dungeon. Out of all this space I lock myself in there and don't come out unless necessary. Waking up this morning I was done. I was tired of not being in the same space, not seeing her face, hearing her voice. Today was going to change all of that. Either for the good or bad.

Was once told a man is not a man unless he puts up a good fight. That's what I'm doing. I laid around in the sadness, now is the time to fight back. To fight for what I want. My best friend and lover again. The one supports as well as pushes me. And vice versa.

Finally I caught her at home. I parked and said a quick prayer before getting out. Standing at her door I took a deep breath knocking. Hoping with everything in me she answers. A minute went by and it seemed like she wouldn't. I knocked once more soon hearing her walk towards the door.

The door opened slowly. "Marcus?" There she was still just as beautiful. Yet her glow was gone. "What are you doing here?" "I.." I grabbed her face kissing her deeply. Backing up into the house I kicked the door closed, before picking her up. I missed her lips. She hesitated for a while before kissing back. With both hands full I began squeezing her backside. We both moaned getting nastier by the second.


"Wait...stop." I said in between his kisses I missed. Ignoring that itch that wanted to be scratched right now. "We really need to talk." "Okay."

We walked into the living room. "I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for the way I handled everything. I completely overreacted and ignored your explanation. When I saw you two kissing, it took me back to him. It's no excuse and should not have taken it out on you and actually communicated with you. I'm sorry I hurt you and made you feel less than the wonderful man you are."

"Apology accepted. I respect you enough to give you space to work out whatever issues and this doesn't diminish how incredible you are. I just need to know what happened with your marriage. You said infidelity but I know there's more. If this is for real, I need to know."

It was only right to be completely honest. I explained the story from beginning to end. Which led to me telling him I'm basically infertile. "With everything added up, I tried to take my own life twice. I was in such a deep, dark depression it felt right to longer be here. Luckily, Angie and Gio found me. That's another reason why I'm so hesitant. Yes, I have dated but, it's never gotten this real or serious. I love you so much and that scares me, Marcus. Being this vulnerable and open with you."

"First, I'm thankful they found you because this couldn't be possible today. Second, I owe you an apology for not telling you about meeting with Lena. It was a dumbass move on my part. Believe me when I say I never went in with the intention to hurt you."

He grabbed my hand looking me in the eyes. "This is something new for us both but, we have to put in the effort and work. Know I would never hurt you intentionally. If and when I do please tell me, don't hold it in. It's my job to make your life better not add to the pain. I was serious when I said I want us to work. Start over with a clean slate?" "I'd like that." He stuck his hand out making me laugh. "I'm Marcus." "Shannon." "You know I was wondering if a beautiful woman such as yourself would like to go out sometime?" "That would be nice." "Come here." I went for those lips that could keep me in a trance. "I love you." "I love you,too."

We took it slow for a while but quickly got back in that overly loving stage again. Date nights once a week, flowers on random occasions. I don't want to lose this ever again. The guys have been going full force with the club. Major changes and renovations made it more luxurious. It's a packed house every weekend.

"Here you go ladies!" The guys said bringing our drinks over. "Thank you."  "Y'all enjoy yourselves." Marcus kissed my cheek. "Save the last dance for me?" "I got you." The guys disappeared into the crowd. "I see you two are back on good terms." Nadia said. "We talked about everything, came to an understanding." "Glad to know. You two are meant to be together. Don't shut him out, sometimes it's okay to let down your defenses. It's time to have that love you've been wanting." Angie was right. When things feel too good to be true, I self sabotage. Not anymore, lesson has been learned on both sides.

After Party by Koffee Brown blasted throughout the club signaling last call. The alcohol has kicked in and we're showing out on the dance floor. As Marcus' hands made their way to my hips, we were pushed. A drink being splashed on us both. "Aye what the fuck?" Should've known it was this disrespectful bitch. "Lena, the fuck are you doing here?" "Public place, public party. I see you still don't know when you got a good one. She said turning towards me. "I do, that's why she's still here." "Unlike you I am a real woman."

Oh, please. I don't know what he sees in you anyway. Old bitch can't do nothing for him. Not even have his baby." See, I've been real nice. Now lil bit from Tennessee got to show up and show out. "If I won't a man I'd smack the fuck outta you. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO KEEP DISRESPECTING HER!" "It's cool, baby. I got it." I eased in front, separating them. Thankful for my hair being in braids. I handed Marcus my earrings and shoes. "Ooh I'm scared." I don't recall exactly what happened after the first few punches connected.

"Baby, that's enough! Shannon let her go!" "Angela! Courtney! Nadia!" By the time the chaos settled Lena and her little crew were being held up by security. We had made our way upstairs to their office. "And the winners by ultimate tag team knockout, The Nurses!!!"

"Let me see your hand Laila." "Ah shit." He chuckled wiping off my knuckles. "I see those kick boxing classes are working." "That was straight Memphis." "Well I know to always stay on your good side. She was already out by the first two piece." "It's not a full meal without a side and biscuit." He kissed over my wound before wrapping it up. "Alright y'all, let's head out."

~~~\\~~~\\~~~\\~~~\\~~~\\~ Omniscient POV

"Ky, where are we going? The mall is downtown." "You remember when mom and dad broke up for a while. Dad had his girlfriend Melody, Mom had Hank's ole tired ass." "I try not to remember him." "Yeah well, think back to right before they got back together. Melody was pregnant and they told us we had a little brother. You were happy because you wouldn't be the only boy." "He's got to be what five now?"

"Probably but we're going to find out."
The two soon pulled into a familiar neighborhood. "Look, there she is." Melody had just gotten off work and heading inside her home when a suspicious car pulled up. "Ms. Melody?" "Yes, can I help you?" "You might not remember us. I'm Ja'Kyra and this is-" "Hendrix. I remember you two. What are you doing here?" "Um..this may seem weird but we...I wanted to meet our brother." Taken back a little Melody nodded in understanding. "I see. Do your parents know you're here?" "No ma'am."

Mel took a deep breath. "To be honest with you guys I don't feel comfortable with this. Your parents would go crazy to know you two even came to see me. I've caused enough issues with your family. It's best we leave things how they are for now." The two children nodded. "Yes ma'am. Sorry for just showing up." They headed back to the car. "Quick question, Is his name still Cameron?" "Yes, it is."

Melody watched as the two drove away. An uneasy feeling settling deep in her spirit. Somehow she knew this was not the last time she would see his sperm donor's side of the family. She was thankful this was one of the days Cameron was with Marcus. No offense to the children but she couldn't bring herself to introduce them. If they found her, there's a high probability his donor wasn't far behind. Melody knew she needed to make some decisions and fast. 


What's up, What's up. This long overdue update is finally here. Marcus and Shannon get it together thankfully. Lena finally got hands laid on her. As she should have, disrespectful wh- woman.
Also, we're getting into Melody's story. Having her ex's children popping up is only just the beginning.

Anyway, leave me your thoughts in the comments. Suggestions. Vote, Share and Don't forget to add this book to your library to know when a new chapter is uploaded. Appreciate you guys.


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