Chapter Six

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Early A.M.


"I hate to leave, but I don't think you'd like me in day-old draws." "It's fine, I've held you hostage long enough." "I'm not a hostage, if I willingly go." Now before you think we had sex we did not. Like I said he's a gentleman. We stayed up just talking, watching movies and ended up passed out on the couch. We enjoy each other's company and his big arms around me. It's been our little thing for awhile now alternating between houses.

"Call me when you get home." "I got you." We looked at one another for a minute. He gently grabbed my chin lifting my head to be met with his lips against mine. Was I shocked? Yeah. Did I kiss him back? You damn right. Feeling his plump lips against mine before he licks my lip asking for entrance. Which I granted. Our tongues fought for dominance before I gave in. I'm pretty sure we were giving my neighbors a very good show. If this is just a kiss then lord have mercy.

"Been wanting to do that for a while. Relax for the weekend, aight?" "Okay." He kissed me once more before getting in his truck and driving off. I closed the door, biting my lip. "Whoo Jesus." I ran for the shower real quick. Getting the temperature just right I hopped in letting the water run all over my body. It's like high school trying to keep this feeling and ride it out. "Mm"

"Um, excuse me miss thing?" "OH MY GOD!!" "Who was that leaving this time of the morning?" "ANGELA!! How did- give me ten minutes." "Mhm" Damn it, there goes the whole mood. I finished my shower, oiled up and walked to my closet. There she was on my ottoman watching TV. "Why didn't you call me, Angie?" "I tried last night and ten minutes ago, but now I see why you didn't answer." I checked my phone. It was dead. "Aw I'm sorry, Angie." "Mhm. Go on get to talking. We have some catching up to do." "I don't know what you're talking about." I said looking through my shirts. "So, we just gonna act like that blacked out Silverado didn't leave this house at the wee hours of the morning."

By now I'm standing at the door looking at her. "Were you spying from down the street?" Yes we're neighbors. "No...I was taking Tokyo on a walk." "Ang, Tokyo is a house cat." She rolled her eyes. "Alright, I was snooping. Now harpo who was that man? Tell me everything and don't skimp on the details. I know you, lil bit." I rolled my eyes at the nickname she gave me. "His name is Marcus. We met at the hospital." "Really now? So long has this Marcus been in the picture." "Almost three months." "What and you didn't tell me?" "It's not like we're taking it slow, getting to know each other." "On a deep level?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. "Not like that nasty."

After doing my makeup she wanted to apologize for spying. So we went out for brunch and ended up at the spa. We caught up on what's been going on. It seems Ms. Angela has a man of her own.  "A year though, Angie? Now how come you interrogating me about somebody I've known for a small time yet, you've had Allen in your back pocket this whole time?" "He's a great guy, Shannon. He cooks, cleans and his family is hilarious. It's like he knows me so well already. When I've thought of something, he's already handled it. When I'm not myself, he's there to hold me." "Aww best friend! I'm so happy for you." "Thank you but don't count yourself out. Marcus seems like a nice guy." "It's too early to tell. Sometimes I feel this is most likely a fling that will end when I give him some. Then I'll get around him and it's just so right. The conversation, the company." "Okay, if he gives you that feeling what's stopping you?" "He's eight years younger." You could literally hear a record scratch. "Well if you robbing the cradle make it worth your while." "Shut up!"




"Hey Ma. What's going on, pops?" "Hey there boy." "Hey baby." "How is it out there?" "Pops, you act like I'm in Cali. It's a four hour drive." "Exactly that's a flight." "Hush up Jo. Anyway, how you been, baby?" "I'm good, mama. How are y'all?" "We've been good. Hard time trying to keep this one in check." "Yeah alright." We talked a little bit before the waitress came back with our drinks.

"Any girls in yo life?" "Josiah hush." "What? Just cause that girl messed him over doesn't mean he should close himself off." "Actually I'm seeing someone. Oh really now? She's completely different in so many ways. She's smart, caring, funny, independent and a nurse." "Well she sounds good. When do I get to meet her?" "Marilyn, don't start." "What? I'm just looking out for my baby." She reached over grabbing my cheek. "I don't want to have to go to jail like I almost did last time." "Go head and see if I don't leave you there." "Trust me she is far away and gone from here. Looking for the next target. Shannon's not like that."

"What makes you so sure?" "Something in me tells me that. It's not a word but a feeling I get whenever I see her or around her. The way we interact with each other, how we spend time together. It's so different I can't describe it." "Well then let's hope she is different."

After lunch we ended up at the mall. Might as well get Cam new school clothes and shoes. Passing a jewelry store something caught my eye. "Yes sir, can I help you?" An older white man asked. "I'd like to see that bracelet right there." " Ah, yes this is one of our finest. It's very sleek with a custom diamond pattern. 4.49 carats in platinum." "I'll take it." The man had it wrapped up for me while I paid. I walked around a little before spotting my folks. "Y'all know there are rooms for that." "How you think you got here, boy." "That's something I don't even want to think about. Let's get y'all to the house so y'all can do that in private." "I'll rub all on that booty if I want to." "Pops please." "Josiah!" "Aye man you see that, that's all me." Why is my pops like this?

Hey y'all,

First let me just say I know this update is long overdue. I apologize. The new year came in full force and has been keeping me busy. Especially with starting these new endeavors in life.

Anyway this update was more of a progression of how Marcus and Shannon are starting to feel for one another. We also finally met Angela Shannon's best friend as well as Mama and Papa Stewart. If you think they are a trip wait until you meet the twins.

Well that's all I have for the moment. I'll hopefully have another update this week. Let me get back to work before they come busting down this bathroom. Leave me your thoughts in the comments. Suggestions. Vote, Share and Don't forget to add this book  to your library to know when a new chapter is uploaded. Appreciate you guys.


For The Love of You (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora