kim brothers

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thank you to everyone who reads the book, i'm so glad you enjoy it! remember to vote and comment :)
xoxo maria <3

"i'm no fool."

namjoon furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he watched his older brother pace the room, hands holding each other behind his back. he had only come to seokjin's house that afternoon because he was in town after a long business trip in singapore and decided it best to stay with his brother for the time being. never did he expect that he would be seated at the foot of his bed, listening to seokjin rant about meaningless events.

"of course not, hyung." namjoon said, trying to pacify his dear brother's frustrations, but he could not even understand where they rooted from.

"see, i know for a fact that katy wasn't suffering from a tummy ache. daphne must have kicked her because she wanted to silence her! i just need to know why..."

"with all due respect, i really don't think you need to know. they have every right to not reveal to you whatever it was." namjoon replied, running a hand through his brown hair.

"but don't you think it's strange?" seokjin pondered, still pacing.

"what's strange?"

"that every single child in that family went to two of the most prestigious schools in this country." jin said.

"no... we went to the top schools in korea, so what's the difference?" namjoon asked in return

"but namjoon, you're forgetting one key detail... we're bloody rich. our parents could afford it and if we weren't smart enough, they knew exactly who to bribe to get us in. daphne and katy aren't rich. not like us."

"okay, but how are you so sure? what if somehow, they are from a rich family and you just don't know it." namjoon said after a moment of silence, wanting his brother to at least weigh out the possibilities.

"i know rich families by name in this state and i can tell you for a fact that 'summers' doesn't ring any bells."

"then maybe they're all just super duper smart and got scholarships." namjoon suggested.

"all of them? that would be an odd coincidence, don't you think? i mean, there's nine of them so i'd be beyond impressed if they're all geniuses." seokjin replied.

"wait, there are nine of them?!"

"yup. and think about it, there's only four of us and even we're not all smart. i mean look at sunmi."

namjoon sighed at the thought of their younger sister because jin was right. she really wasn't the sharpest tool in the box, "you know she's engaged, right. she told me on facetime."

seokjin chuckled at namjoon's statement, "yeah, she came over to my house a while ago with her fiancé. crazy thing is he's daphne's ex-boyfriend."

"you're lying." namjoon scoffed, unable to fathom the coincidence.

"i wish i was lying. it was the craziest thing ever, because daphne was spending the night here because she couldn't get home then sunmi came with her fiancé, brian, and you should have seen the look on daphne's face."

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