Chapter One

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My name is Amarra Pierce. My non-identical twin, Gracen, and I moved to Beacan Hills this year. We've only been here for a week, and today is our first day of school. We spent the past week unpacking.
I have brown, wavy hair, and brown eyes. Gracen has blonde hair with purple tips and one blue and one green eye. She likes to dye her hair a lot, and this year it's purple.


"Let's go! We're going to be late!" Gracen yells to me.
"I'll be right down!" I yell back. I study myself in our mirror. I'm wearing my hair down, a white T-shirt that had the number 11 on it. I was also in skinny jeans and had black sneakers on. It was only September, so I would be a little hot, but I'm okay with that.
I run down the stairs and accendentaly numb into Gracen.
"You okay?" I ask, laughing a little.
Gracen stands up and starts to laugh a little too. "I'm good." She said, giving me a thumbs up. Gracen was in a white tank top that was cut a little ubove her belly button. She had a blue and green plaid shirt tied around her waist. She ALS had a little belly button piercing. She had jean short-shorts on, and black, Converse, boot sneakers. Her hair was down and curly.
"Don't you think it's a little cold to be in shorts?" I asked.
"I don't stop wearing shorts until October. You should know this!" She said, lightly punching me in the arm.
"It's time to go." My mom said.
Our mom's in the military, so we transfer a lot. My dad walked out on us three years ago.
"Bye guys, love you!" She said, as Gracen and I picked up our backpacks and left the house.
"There is no way in hell I'm taking the bus." Gracen said.
"At least we don't live far from the school." I said.
Today is our first day at Beacan Hills High School. I'll admit, I'm nervous. Gracen never shows when she's nervous. She learned how to look like she's calm from being a dancer. She said that before a competition, you have to look like your not nervous, or the judges will pay close attention to you, and you'll probably mess up. I, on the other hand, am a writer. I have a whole five section notebook filled with story's. The only person who's read them is Gracen. She never judges them, or corrects my grammar. She knows how much I hate that.
Anyway we arrive at school five minutes after leaving the house.
I take a deep breath before entering the building.

Hello, Beacan Hills.

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