Chapter Seven

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I avoided Liam all day. I don't think I like him that much anymore. When you finally meet the love of your life, your best friend isn't supposed to tell you they're in love with you.
Gracen spent the hole day with Stiles, so I didn't get to see her that much.

After school, Scott wanted me to go on a walk with him in the woods.
It was fun. He showed me all the spots that he has been. He knows that woods inside out.
"When I can't sleep, I sometimes take walks here." He told me.
"This is were Stiles and I found the dead body two years ago."
"Dead body?" I asked.
"It's a long story." He said.
"I got time."
"Well, this guy I know, Derek, his sister died and Stiles and I went looking for it, and found it. Well I found it when I was looking for my inhaler."
"Oh, that wasn't so long."
"Yeah. I over exaggerated on that. It's one of those 'you had to be there' times."
I laughed. "Okay, I defiantly would not want to be there. Trying to look for an inhaler in these woods? Not my thing." I joked.
Scott laughed a little.

After about an hour, we ran into someone.
It was Liam.

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