Chapter Fourteen

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"Were you fallowing us?" Scott said to Liam with a look of disbelief.
"What, no." Liam said sarcastically.
Gracen through her hands up on frustration. "We don't have time for your rivalry."
"Why are you here?" Derek asked Scott.
Scott, Stiles and Liam looked at Gracen and I.
"Our mother was attacked by a werewolf. We think she might die. Scott and Stiles said you could help us find out who did it." Gracen said.
Liam looked at me, with sorrow on his face. He really did feel sorry for me. I smiled sadly at him and looked back at Derek.
"Well, I I have an idea of how it could be, but it had to be an Alpha." He said.
"You don't think it could have been Peter, do you?" Stiles said, a little worried.
"That's who I thought it was." Derek said.
"But is it possible?" Scott asked.
"Why of course it's possible." Someone said.
We all looked around to see a tall man, well in his thirties, standing in Derek's apartment. He had his arm on the wall and had an evil smile on his face.
"What the hell did you do?" Scott said, ready to attack at any moment.
"Me? You think I did this. Well your right because I did." Peter said.
It was like getting hit in the chest and having all the wind knocked out of you. I was so shocked and angry.
"Why?" Gracen said, tears in her eyes.
"Your not ready to hear that." Peter said.
"TELL ME!" I yelled at him, ready to grab his neck and kill him.
Peter looked a little shocked at me yelling. I don't usually do that.
"If you simply must know, I attacked Halle, you mother, because I was in love with her."

Destiny (A Teen Wolf/Scott McCall Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora