Chapter Three

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After school, Liam, Gracen and I all went to see lacrosse practice. Liam is on the team so I guess I went to support them.
Five minutes into the practice, I looked over at Gracen to see her staring, with her mouth open and drool falling down her chin. I saw that she was staring at that Stiles guy. He was sitting on the bench, watching the game in a lacrosse uniform. I wondered why he wasn't playing.
I looked back at Gracen and saw that she was still staring. I lightly pushed her hand from under her chin. Her head feel and then flew back up, then she snaked me hard in the arm.
I laughed a little. "You're drooling." I said.
Gracen whipped the drool off her chin and smeared it on my face.
"That's disgusting." I said, whipping the spit off of my face.
"Well then you should know NOT to wake me up when I'm fantasizing." She said.
I shook my head and looked back at the field. I noticed that Scott McCall was in the goal position. He seemed to be saving every ball that was thrown his way. I started to lean forward off the bleacher, as it I was trying to reach him. I fell with a thud off the bleacher and onto the grass. I looked around to see if anyone was watching. The only person who saw was Gracen. She was in fits of laughter. I stood up, brushed myself off and sat back down on the bleacher.
"You could have helped me." I said.
"But I had the choice not to Marra." She said. Gracen always calls me Marra because when we were little that's all she could say of my name.
"I saw you staring at Scott."
"I was just seeing how good a player he was." I said.
"No you were staring at him. Plus you fell off the bleacher."
"That means nothing."
"Well, maybe to you, but to me it seems like you have a crush."
"What, no I don't."
"Whatever you say. Why are you hanging out with Liam?" Gracen asked, looking concerned.
"Well, I haven't been hanging out with him. I've only known him a day. But he's nice and he showed us around school." I said.
"I don't like him. Or trust him. I get this weird feeling that he's hiding something." Gracen said.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Like, something big. Maybe he's a vampire."
I gave Gracen this look that said: really are you serious.
"Fine. Werewolf. He's a werewolf."
"Okay now you're just being stupid. There is no such thing as a werewolf or a vampire."
"Sorry I said anything."
When I had fell, I didn't realize that I sat on something. When the practice was over, Scott McCall came over and said "You're sitting on my sweatshirt."
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I said, jumping up and handing it to him.
"It's okay. Things happen."
"Hey, what happ...end?" Stiles had come over and placed his had on Scott's shoulder. He had trailed off in what he was saying and had started staring at Gracen.
"Yo, Stiles." Scott said, waving a hand in front of his face.
"What?" He said, looking back at Scott.
"What's your name?" Scott asked me.
"Amarra Pierce. And this is my sister, Gracen." I said.
Scott held out his hand and I took it, discarding what Liam said.
"I'm Scott and this is Stiles." He said, pointing to stiles.
"Hi." Gracen mumbled.
"We should go before all the showers are taken." Stiles said.
"Yeah. We'll see you in school, right?" Scott said.
I nodded.
"Bye." Gracen said, waving to Stiles.
"Wait," she said. "We should see if they're doing any thing tonight."
"No Gracen don't." I said.
"Too late!" She yelled to me, running after them.
I think my sister might have just gotten me a date, with the guy that my first friend in Beacan Hills hates.

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