Chapter Two

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"Amarra and Gracen Pierce. Moved from Vermont to Beacan Hills. Age is 16. Is that correct?" The vice principle said, peering at us from her glasses.
We both nodded.
"Here's your sceduals. We're glad to have you here at Beacan Hills High." The vice principle said. "You are free to go."
Gracen and I walked out of the room and into the hall way. I looked around. There were people everywere.
Gracen and I eventually found our lockers. Luckily they were right next to each other.
Gracen and I went to our lockers and put our stuff away in them. I got the stuff for my first class and shut my locker. When I shut it there was someone standing behind it. I jumped from being startled.
"I'm Liam. Liam Dunbar." He said holding out his hand.
I looked at him suspiciously, and then took his hand and said, "Amarra Pierce."
"You're the new kid in my history class, right?"
"I think so. This is my sister Gracen, by the way." I said pointing to Geacwn and letting go of Liam's hand.
Gracen gave Liam a deep look of discus. She then turned back to her locker.
"So, what's your first class?" Liam asked me.
"Um," I said looking my scedual."Algebra 1."
"Oh, I'm in algebra 2."
I looked over to see Gracen staring at two people across the hallway. I look over to see who she's staring at. I see two guys, one of them is so hot it's overwhelming. He has black hair and brown eyes. He has a Lacrosse jersey on that has the number 11 on it. The same number on my shirt.
I look back at Liam and he has a smug look on his face. "Don't hang out with them." He said.
"Why not?" I asked.
"There just, well I don't know yet but I just don't like them."
"What's there names?"
"Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall."

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