Chapter Twelve

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"What happened to my mother?" I asked in a very stern tone.
Scott slowly pushed me away and dragged me out the door with Stiles and Gracen fallowing.
When we got out in the hall way, Scott was trying to calm me down. I was really mad.
"What do you mean? Like I know she's hurt but." Scott said.
"I looked at the marks on her face and they were werewolf marks and I'm just really worried cause she could die or be turned and I just. "I said running my hand through my hair and pacing back and forth.
"Hey, we'll find out who did this." Scott said.
"No, it was your kind that did this." I said.
"Amarra." Scott said, reaching for my shoulder before I pulled away.
"Don't touch me." I said walking away.
"Marra!" Gracen called, chasing after me.
"Hey." she said stopping me.
"I don't wanna talk about this." I said.
"Yes you do. I know you Marra. You do wanna talk about this."
"His kind did this. He did this."
"No, he didn't do this. Yes his kind did, but he didn't."
"I just need to think about things." I said as I started to walk out of the building.
"You need a lot of time ti think." Gracen said.

When we got home, Gracen called up Stiles to see how Scott was. I begged her not to, but that didn't work.
"What's he doing?" She asked.
She was quite while Stiles awnsered.
"Same." She said.
I was lying on Gracen's bed staring at her blue walls. Some one would have thought I was thinking, but, I was really mentally crying.
Scott was in pain because of me.
That made me feel even more guilty for what happened.
I started to listen to Stiles and Gracen's conversation. Apparently she new and said to me, "According to Stiles, Scott's like, crying."
i looked at her and the looked back at her wall.
"I know that you know that u know that I don't care, but what are you going to do when you see Liam tomarrow?" She asked.
I shrugged. "I don't trust ether of them anymore."
"Well, you should trust Scott, cause he's better then Liam, but, I think you're being a little over dramatic."
I sighed. Gracen was right. I was being over dramatic.

The next day at school, Liam came up to me at my locker.
"Looks like you and Scott are taking a brake." He said.
"No we're not." I said. "We just, I don't know what we are."
I looked over my shoulder to see Gracen and Stiles talking to Scott.
Gracen then turned to face Stiles and I saw Scott come walking over. I shut my locker and garbed my books but Scott was too fast. By the time I had closed my locker he was right behind me. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. He gave Liam a dirty look before looking back at me.
"I know you don't wanna talk to me," he said, "but I know some one who can help you with finding out who really hurt your mom."
"Really! Who?" I asked.
"Derek Hale."

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