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"I'll go to the lab." Hansol informed them as he walked towards the entrance and met with the two men in black. They let hansol in and johnny informed renjun that hansol's sister is safe, well not really in a good condition. "We're fucked up, we didnt plan how to let them out. We cant just let them crawl hansol ge's sister under that dog hole." Niah tsked after she whined.

"I may have a plan." The others that are in the security room snapped their heads at haechan.
He grabbed the two-way radio from shotaro and looked back to the monitors of cctv cameras.

"Wait does this also connect hansol hyung?" Haechan talked at the radio.

"I can hear you clearly haechan-ah."

Hansol replied as a bright smile formed into the sun kissed male's face.

"Nice. Hyung, how many dead body is there?" Haechan asked and patiently waits for hansol to answer. Hansol stopped near the lab room door.

"About three experiments failed so three people- or three dead bodies are in the other side of the room. Hyuck, if what im thinking is right are you...?"

Haechan chuckled as he talked again.

"Yes hyung, change one of the dead bodies or simply make your sister act like dead. We dont need to prepare on how to make her body or face look dead. Im just saying this hyung for you to be aware. She's alive but outside she really looks dead. She has bruises all over her body, her face looks like she just took a bath of a whole black charcoal. She fainted but john hyung said her vitals are okay."

Haechan waited again patiently of course. "Okay. Lets do that." Renjun snatched the radio from haechan and talked to hansol.

"Gege, i'll let yuta,and johnny hyung help you with that. We see from the cctv that there is a dressing room for scientist and nurses." Renjun looked around for a second at the monitor.

"Youre right. The dressing or changing room is just about three doors away from the lab."

Hansol looked around him to check if there were any one else.

"Yes i want you to meet there. John hyung's team is on their way there."

"Yes we are."  They heard johnny s voice. Few seconds later they saw hansol and Johnny's team meet up and went inside the dressing room. Hansol even teared up a bit at his sister's state. They eventually changed the bodies and let the girl lay down there.

After johnny and yuta changed clothes and wearing masks,  they went outside each of them pushing the beds with dead bodies laying down covered with white blanket. They passed all the rooms and was near the entrance where the two men in black are standing. Hansol bowed at them and let the two check the bodies.

It was nerve recking how they opened the blankets to check and moved their faces holding their jaw from left to right. When it was hansol's sister's turn, they lifted the blanket to see the face.

The two looked at each other and hansol quickly asked a question. "Is there something wrong with the bodies?" The two shakes their head and sighed. "No, just thinking how is this last body so, how can i say this." The other man then widened his eyes. "Its so disgustingly beaten up."
"Right." Hansol nodded and bowed to the two again.

He led yuta and johnny at the backyard and was met with ten,kun and taeil waiting for them. Johnny carried the girl at his back while they were running back to the car. Hansol was left and actually burned the bodies. He came back to the lab and was met with nathan.

"Its almost your time to be injected by that. Since they used the third dead body to exterminate the failed experiments im sure that it will surely work on you. The drug i mean." Hansol whispered closely to nathan as nathan sighed.

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