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Brittany sat in her room crying after what had just happened. She tried to fight back, but she couldn't as her stepfather had her tied up. She looked at the time and knew that her mom will be home soon. Brittany got up and walked to her mom's room to find the pills. "I will end this night mare once and for all."

Walking downstairs, she saw whiskey sitting on the table causing her to pour the rest of the sleeping pills into his drink. Brittany limped back upstairs and smiled as she will be finally free from this nightmare. Brittany walked over to her bed and covered up. Tomorrow she starts her new life.
The alarm clock was going off causing her to raise up. Brittany smiled as she loved the place she was at. Rosewood. A new start after being gone for a bit. "Brittany! It's time to wake up, honey."

"Thanks!" She said.

Brittany hated that her mother's heart was broken, but she never knew what he done to her. Hearing her phone buzz, Brittany walked over to it and read the message.

If only mother dearest knew what actually happened to her husband. -A

"You wouldn't, Alison?"

Kate walked in causing Brittany to smile. "You're running late." She tells her. "Go see your friends."

'Okay." She said as she hugged her mom. "I love you, mom."

"I love you, too."

Brittany smiled as she walked out of her room, but she looked at the message one last time before heading off to school.
Brittany got out of her car and was welcomed with a familiar sight of Rosewood High. She sighed as she started walking towards the school when she bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay...Brittany?"

Brittany looked up and saw her dear friend Aria. "Oh my god." She said hugging her. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too."

"Aria? Brittany?"

The two looked to see Emily making Brittany hug her. After almost a year since she left, her friends were still there, well minus Hanna and Spencer. "God, it's good to be back home."

"Yes it is."

They heard the bell rang causing her to sigh. "How much has things change?" She asked.

Emily walked with them telling them how much Hanna and Spencer changed. Brittany didn't know what to say as she walked into the class and sat down. She opened her bag to find her notebook. "Is that Mona?"

Brittany looked up and was surprised with how much the girl changed. The blonde rolled her eyes as Mona may have became another Alison. She looked to see Hanna and then Spencer. "I don't think anything has changed." She says. "When isn't there an issue between Hanna and Spencer?"

The two friends nodded as the teacher walked in. Brittany watched as he wrote his name on the board than turned around to speak to them. "Holy crap." They heard.

Brittany looked at Aria as did everyone else trying to understand why the sudden outburst.
Instead of heading home, Brittany went for a walk. "Brittany?" She turned and smiled at Spencer. "It's been awhile."

"Yeah." She said.

"How's your mom?"

"She'll get there." Brittany says as she saw lights. "Um, Spence."

"Let's go check it out."

Brittany didn't say a word as she walked closer to them. They stood beside one another as Hanna showed up, but when they saw the body bag they knew that Alison was gone.
Kate walked into her daughter's room and sighed. "Honey, are you sure about going?'

"Yes, mom." She says as she walked over to her. "I have to be there for her. She was my friend."

Kate nodded as she watched her daughter leave. She sighed as she looked around her room to see the picture of Alison and her bracelet on the desk. She wished Brittany wouldn't do this, but there was no stopping her.
Brittany walked in and noticed everyone was there. "Oh, Alison will be loving this." She mumbled.

"Right here." Spencer tells her as she sat down.

The services was about to begin when they heard Aria's phone. She noticed the looks and knew. "I'm not the only one getting messages from A."

"Nope." Brittany said.

"Guys." Spencer said causing them to look behind them to see Jenna.

The blonde faced the front as she had nothing else to say. She knew that things will never be the same for them.

After the service, Brittany walked down to the others when she saw the cops. "What's going on?"

"They think our story doesn't add up."

"Why? I wasn't there that night." She said. "I was at home and I know you four are telling the truth."

"Yeah, but tell that to Wilden."

Brittany glared as she felt her phone buzz along with the others.

I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything. -A

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