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Brittany smiled as she walked to her friends. "Did I miss anything?"

"No, just teasing Aria." Hanna said smiling.

Aria looked at Brittany. "Don't. You do that enough on the phone."

Brittany just smiled as she sat down. When they heard a cane, they looked to see Jenna. The blonde started thinking back to the time she went to a frat party with her friends and Ali. Ali suggested her to not worry about going home as she was going to be safe. She saw her brother talking to Ian making her hide. "Brittany."


"We were talking about that party."

"Yeah, I was thinking back to that myself."
Brittany woke up to hearing the sound of a video call coming in causing her to see it's Jason. "Jason?" She said as she answered the call. "Why are you calling me this early?"

"Thought we could talk." He said. "I miss talking to you."

Brittany smiled a she sat up. "I miss talking to you too." She said smiling. "I trust Aria and Emily more than Hanna and Spencer."

"So you girls are back to talking terms?" Brittany nodded. "Well, that's good, but I can tell you don't fully trust them..."

"Jason, can we talk about something else before I have to get ready for school?" She asked. "Like the real reason why you have called."

Jason smiled at her. Shane saw Jason talking to his sister causing him to smirk. "Get to school, Britt." He tells her. "I'm sure loverboy here will tell you why he called later."

Brittany glared at her brother as did Jason. She laughed as the two started playing. "I'll talk to you guys later." She tells them. "Bye."

She hung up the call smiling as she moved her laptop and went to her closet to be ready for today. Brittany grabbed her clothes and walked to her bathroom. She wondered one thing though. What was Jason wanting to tell me?
Arriving at school, Brittany arrived at school. The blonde saw Ian causing her to stop seeing as he spoke to Jenna. She watched as he handed her a bag causing her to walk to Emily and Spencer. "Something is not adding up here."

"We didn't know they knew each other."

Brittany looked back at Ian as he walked away. She sighed as she went to class, she stopped as she thought about that night. Brittany remembered going to that frat party. It was a getaway for her. A night to feel free from the rape and abuse she went through when her mom was gone. Brittany wiped a tear before walking to her class. I need to talk to Jason.
After school, Brittany called Jason. "Hey." He said as the video called went through. "What's wrong?"

"I thought back to the night I went..."

"Brittany, don't worry." He tells her. "Shane and Alison told me what you went through, but he is gone now. Focus on today and on us."


"Brittany, I've been wanting to get this off my chest, but I like you." Jason confessed. "I like you more than a friend..."

A knock was heard causing her to look to see her mom. "Brittany, Shane wants us to go to his college." Kate tells her. "Get to packing."

Brittany nodded as she looked back at him. "I like you more than a friend too." She tells him. "How about we go on a date when I get there?'

After texting her friends telling them that Shane wanted them to meet him at his college, Brittany saw Jason and ran to him. Jason picked her up as she smiled. The two leaned in and shared a kiss. Shane and Kate smiled at the two. "She's happy."

"Jason can help her heal." He said. "Come on, mom. I'll show you the hotel you two will be staying at."
Later that night, Brittany had her phone on speaker as she waited for Jason. "You did what?"

"We found a trophy belonging to Ian with blood on it."

"You shouldn't have done that." She tells them. "That's not going to help our case or more so, you, Spencer. I care for you girls, but jumping like that is not going to help. It makes us all look guilty."

"Their testing the blood."

Seeing Jason leaning against the door, Brittany smiled then sighed. "Girls, I'm going to go and have dinner with mom and Shane." She lied. "Talk to you guys later."

"We'll fill you in when you get back."

"Tomorrow." Brittany said. "I have school and this was the only time mom could spend the whole day with him."


Brittany hung up and looked at Jason. "Let's go."

"Let's go, beautiful." He said kissing her making her smile.

So this is what a relationship feels like. She thought as they left together. Brittany wondered how Aria and Emily react to her relationship with Jason.

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