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Brittany sat with her friends trying to find the perfect spot for Alison's memorial. "Guys, I thought of a way to solve our A problem."

"Leave it to Spencer to always have a plan." Brittany said smiling. "Go on. Tell us."

Before Spencer could say a word, Mr. Fitz ran by in shorts causing Brittany to laugh. Aria looked at her as if she was crazy. "That's not what see everyday." Emily says.

"I thought teachers didn't get out much." Brittany pointed out as they looked at her. "What? They're always grading papers or looking at their lesson plans. Name one teacher who gets out."

When they didn't get an answer, Brittany nodded till she saw a wadded up piece of paper. She picked it up and looked at it to see a message from A. Ding. Dong. The bitch is dead. -A
At school, Brittany was rubbing her eyes as she walked over to her friends. "Cute scarf." She said as she yawned.

"Didn't get much sleep?"

Brittany just gave them a look as she walked by them so she could get to her locker. The others followed her. She didn't pay much attention as she had her mind on the memorial. "Dad is wanting to have dinner with me."

"You don't think its about Sean's car."

Brittany sighed as she looked at them. "Guys, just because he called her for dinner doesn't mean it could be that. Just go to dinner and if he brings it up then you'll have your answer." She said shutting her locker. "Hanna, have fun tonight."

They watched Brittany walk away. They knew something was up and had to ask her what was going on. "Spencer Hastings."
Brittany walked into her biology class to see Emily sitting with Toby. Something about that has her worrying about her friend. She took her seat behind Emily and sent her a text causing Emily to look at her. She nodded as if she will be fine till she turned to open her book. Brittany watched Emily shut the book causing her to worry more.
"Brittany?" She heard her mother call out.


"Come here." She said.

Brittany walked into the kitchen. Kate looked at her daughter smiling. "Is there something you wanted, mom?"

"We are going to cook dinner. Just like old times."

Brittany looked at her mom knowing someone was coming over. Someone she has reached out too. "He's coming home."

"Yes." She said smiling. "I have both of my children."

Brittany smiled a bit knowing that if he did show up that would mean that he would want to talk to her about their step dad's death. Brittany walked to the sink and washed her hands thinking about her brother. The last time she saw him, he told her that she needed to do something about their step father. "Brittany?"


"Are you okay?"

Brittany just nodded as she started helping. She just hopes that nothing doesn't get brought up.
The next day in class, Brittany was texting her brother Shane. "Brittany?"


"You're quiet."

"My brother is coming home and I don't know about it." She said. "I know we're close, but I know he will be wanting to speak to me alone."

"I'm sure its nothing to worry about."

The bell rang causing them to take their seats. Brittany looked at Mr. Fitz as he started teaching. They were discussing about the book to kill a mockingbird. When one of the students gave a response to the book, Mr. Fitz yelled at him causing the class to stare at him in shock. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed."
When Brittany arrived back at home, she saw her brother only. "Shane? I thought you went back to college."

'I wanted to see how my sister was doing.""

"Good." She says. "I told mom what happened to him. She was happy that I said something.'

Shane went to her side and hugged her. "I'm sorry for what you went through and I'm sorry for not keeping you safe."

Brittany cried as she just hugged him. She was finally free and having her brother home helped her the most. Kate walked in to see her two children hugging causing her to walk over and hug them. "Everything is going to be okay." She tells them. "I have you two and that's all that matters to me."
Brittany had to excuse herself after receiving a message from Spencer to come to her house. When she got there, they all went into Spencer's room to see a message on the mirror. It won't be that easy, bitches. -A

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