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Brittany stared as she watched the videos. There was one of her step dad abusing and raping her making her turn away as Emily held her close. The blonde didn't want to see the past. She had other things she needs to worry about. Jason, Shane, and her mom. "Brittany, maybe you should go home and not watch this anymore."

"Deal." She says as she grabbed her stuff and left.

Spencer looked back at the screen. "Brittany needs a break after seeing this." She says as the video went to Jenna and Toby. "Turn it off."
The blonde walked into her house and looked at her mom. "Can we go see Jason and Shane?"

"Is something wrong?"

"I need to talk to Jason and plus, I miss spending time with Shane."

"Sure. Let me go call him and tell him that we're on our way."

Brittany nodded as she grabbed her phone and called Jason. "Jason, I'm coming to you to spend time with you." She tells him. "Alison had these videos on a flash drive. Videos of us girls changing, Jenna seducing Toby and those nights that I couldn't hang out with the girls."

"I knew some of the videos like the Jenna thing with Toby, but I swear to you that I didn't know the others or have any involvement of making the videos. Shane may know about some of the videos."

"Explain when I get there." She tells him. "I have a feeling that someone else knew the position I was in and didn't say a word."

"Please don't be mad."

"You only got Toby and Jenna. Not me with the girls or that nightmare." She tells him. "Just explain everything and I'll listen. It's not like Spencer fully trusts me just yet."

Kate looked at Brittany as she knew that she was having trust issues with her friends mainly Spencer. That girl always had it out with Alison DiLauerntis and Brittany. What for, Kate may never know.

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