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Brittany stayed the night at Spencer's after finding that chilling message on her mirror. She grabbed her phone and unblocked A. She wasn't going to have someone come into her house and do that. "Guys." She heard Hanna say. "Look."

They walked over and saw a message from A. They started watching the video and noticed it was from last night. Brittany watched as her friends ran upstairs and followed them. She walked in just to see Aria with lipstick. "I've seen this shade before." Aria said. "I believe this is what Jenna wears."

"How the hell can she get up here?" Brittany asked.

No one said a word as they looked back at the mirror.
At school, Brittany knew her friends where discussing who left that message as she went over to them. "Are we discussing who we think it is?"

"We think it's Toby."

Brittany nodded as she looked at them. "Okay, we have to also think of Jenna." She tells them. "She may be blind, but she's not that stupid."

Mr. Sheldrake walked over to them and congratulated Spencer on winning. Brittany shook her head smiling as they walked off to class. Emily caught up to her making her sigh. "Can we talk about something?"

"Is it your feelings for Maya?"

"You saw the pictures?"

"What pictures?" Brittany asked. "No, I see the way you look at her. Emily, if you need support just know that I'm here."

Emily smiled as they went to biology together. Brittany saw Toby and knew she had to watch him. Emily shook her head at her friend indicating that she will speak to Toby. The blonde nodded as she took her seat and opened her notebook. She looked in front of her to see Emily and Toby talking. Maybe he's innocent.
Later that day, Brittany went to the grille to get food for her mom. "Brittany!" She turned to see her friends.


"What are you doing?" Hanna asked.

"Mom ordered us something and I came to get it. What are you guys doing?"

"Discussing about the culprit." Spencer tells her. "Want to join?"

Brittany nodded as she sat down. She didn't say much as Spencer and Hanna spoke. First it was on Toby, but it went to Jenna being in the same building that Hanna is working at to pay back for Sean's car. The blonde looked at her friends as she wondered why Jenna was there.
"Mom!" She called out. "I got us dinner."

"Oh good." Kate said as she walked in and grabbed the food. "Why don't you go get ready for dinner?"

Brittany nodded as she walked upstairs. She heard her phone and sighed as she looked at the message. Brittany saw the video and saw herself getting dressed. Her eyes widened as she knew A was watching her. "Brittany!"

"Coming, mom." She said as she looked at the video. Brittany put her phone down and ran downstairs.
The next day, Brittany stood in her room looking at the video that was sent to her. She didn't know if she should tell her friends she was being watched or keep this to herself. "Brittany, you're going to be late."

"I'm heading out now." She said as she kissed her mom's head. "Bye."

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