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Brittany stopped as her heals where just in the way. She took them off and started searching for her friends to see them. "Where's Emily?"

"We found blood."

Brittany was shocked that this was happening. She walked away with her friends hoping that Toby didn't do anything to Emily.
The next morning, Brittany went to leave, but stopped. "Mom?" She called out and saw her sound asleep on the couch. She smiled as she went and grabbed a blanket to cover her up. "I'll see you when I get home."

The blonde grabbed her bag and walked out of the house. She wondered if they told Emily about what was in the file, but something was also telling her that they were probably jumping to conclusions. The blonde felt her phone buzz and looked to see a message from Shane.

Will be in town for Alison's memorial with a friend that I want you to meet.

"Who's the friend?" She mumbled as she saw Pam. "Is Emily having visitors or is she asleep?"

"She just went to sleep." Pam says. "You're friends came by."

"Yeah, mom worked late." She said. "Can you have Emily call me?"

"Of course."

Brittany walked away thinking about what exactly happened that night, but whatever happened, Emily was terrified. The blonde knew she needed to get things going for school.
At school, Brittany wasn't paying much attention to her friends as she was texting Shane. "Brittany?" Aria said gaining the blondes attention. "Who are you talking to?'

"Shane. Him and a friend will be here on the day of the memorial." She tells her. "I remember you having a crush on my brother."

"Shut up." Aria said. "Alison said that she would have loved for you to meet her brother."

"Jason?" Brittany asked as Aria nodded. "I don't think I've met him because of things at home."

"Brittany, you hardly were around. What was going on?"


"I've been looking everywhere for you." They heard Sean say.

Brittany took this as a way to leave. She came close to confiding in Aria. Something she did with Alison. Alison knew her secret, but her other friends were clueless. She hid on the other side of the lockers and inhaled deeply before releasing. Brittany walked away as she continued on with her day.
The next day, Emily texted Brittany about Toby being dead all because of the message A sent her. Brittany shook her head and sat down. Toby's gone, but that doesn't help with her secret and A knows this. She needs to tell them before A tells them.

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