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Brittany sat writing her speech for the memorial to see Aria and Spencer push in a crate. She didn't say much to them as she knew the talking was about Ella. "Aria." Brittany and Spencer said together.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Aria says. "This whole thing just sucks."

"I know."

Brittany wanted to say something, but she didn't. "Did anyone call Shelly Leonard?"

"Done." Spencer replies. "I told her that if she plays anything depressing, I will kick in her cello."

"Nice." Brittany replies.

The blonde started focusing on her speech again as she drowned out her friends. When she heard Ali's brother was coming, she looked up. "Who is her brother?"

"That is right." Spencer said. "You never met him."

Brittany shook her head no. The girls started talking about him causing Brittany to wonder who he was. When they finally opened the crate, Brittany stood with Emily and smiled at how beautiful the fountain was. "Shane is coming tomorrow too." She tells them.

"I don't remember him either. Didn't he hang around Jason?"

The blonde shrugged as she looked back at her phone and smiled.
Kate hugged her daughter. "Shane is home, but he left early this morning to meet up with his friend."

"Yeah, Ali's brother is back in town for the memorial and he wants to see us all." She said. "I don't remember if I have met Jason or not."
Brittany walked in late causing Jason and Shane to turn around. "Hey." Shane said hugging his sister. "You finally came."

"Yeah." She tells him as she looked at the other guy as he continued to speak.

Shane stared at Aria like he used to causing him to feel his sister punch him. He looked at her as she just smiled. She didn't say much as she listened. She could tell that Jason was heart broken. "I need to add another speaker." Jason says.

Brittany looked and saw a name that had her looking at Jason. "Jenna Marshall is the new speaker?"

"Yeah." Jason tells her.


"She asked me if she could." Jason responds to Emily's questions.

"Jenna asked to speak?"

Brittany looked at her brother as she didn't care. If that kept their secret safe, then Jenna can speak. "Is there a problem?"

"It just didn't occur to us that Alison and Jenna were that close."

"I didn't know either." Jason said. "Jenna called and said my sister was a lot of help to her after her accident."

Brittany stared in shock. "Well, concentrate on what you're gonna say." Shane points out. "Leave the rest of it to Jason."

The blonde looked at her borther and Jason as they left. "What an idiot?" She mumbled.

"Brittany, come on." Shane said. "It's our day."

Brittany looked at her friends as they nodded. "We'll speak to you later." Hanna said. "Your hot brother is wanting to spend time with his sister."

"Don't call him hot." She said as she walked away.
I don't usually write things like this, but then again, I never expected you to be gone. You were my first friend before I met the others. I could depend on you as I knew I had someone to talk to. Someone who would actually listen.

Brittany sighed as she put the pen down. She saw her brother talking to Jason and wondered how come they never met. "Who is that beauty?" Jason asked seeing Brittany walking away from her window.

"My sister, Brittany Richardson." Shane replies.

"So, she's off limits?"

"Nah." He said. "Brittany wants to know someone before dating. Especially after the hell she went through."

"I'll find out on my own. I want to know her."
"Brittany, there is someone I want you to meet." Shane tells her as she walked in.


Jason turned to see the beautiful blonde from the other day. "Jason, this is my sister Brittany."

"It's nice to meet you." She tells him.

"It's nice to meet you too, again." He said referring to yesterday.
At school, Brittany didn't see Emily and Spencer with Jason, but he did her. she went straight to her locker just for her to stop. Wilden was going through Toby's locker and discovered that Toby called Ali the night she disappeared.

Shane grabbed his sister and dragged her away. "Hey." She said.

"I can already tell you that you are already stressing out." Shane said. "Let's go eat."
That night, Brittany smiled as she was walking. Her brother was helping Jason, but he didn't want her doing anything because of the stress she was under. Brittany stopped at the one spot she told Alison about the abuse and rape.

"Brittany, what happened to you?" Alison asked.

"My step father."

Alison hugged her as the blonde cried. "Brittany, I can tell this has been going on for a long time. I think it's time that you prove that you are not weak."

Brittany sighed as she remembered those words. She proved it and now she's free. "Who killed you, Alison?"
At the memorial, Brittany sat with her friends even though she was upset with Spencer for jumping to conclusions because of how Jason acted. Spencer looked at them causing them to look behind them to see Ian. Brittany looked at Shane as he gave her a smile. She listened to all her friends speak till it was her turn. "Ali was the first person I befriended when I came to Rosewood. She was someone I could talk to so easily." She said. "Ali had her ways with words and she knew how to encourage you to get you to do what you wanted to do." Shane walked up to her and hugged her.

"Come on." He tells her. "I can already tell it's too much."

Jason watched Shane drag his sister away as everyone knew Brittany was under a lot of stress.
Shane refused to let Brittany go to Spencer's as this was too much for her. When they arrived, Shane got out and went in as Brittany got out to see Jason. "Jason? What brings you by?"

"You." He tells her. "I want to know you, Brittany." He handed her his number. "Just in case you need someone to talk too."

Brittany smiled as she grabbed a piece of paper to give him her number. "Thank you, Jason."

Jason watched Brittany go in. He shook his head knowing Alison would kill him if she found out he had a crush on one of her friends.

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