twenty one

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Brittany couldn't believe what she was told, first, her mom had a business trip meaning she will be staying with Jason and two, she can't be with her friends. "Mom, is there something I should know?'

"Your friends are the talk of the town and are suspects in Ian's disappearance along with Alison's death. The police have told me that you must stay away from them." The blonde looked at Jason. "Brittany, promise me that you stay as far away from them as you can."

"I will. I've done it before, but Emily and Aria...."

"I know and Hanna doesn't want to be away from her best friend after you two had a long talk, but the psychiatrist...."

"Who? No, I am not talking to them again. I've been through so much and even told them the hell I went through till he died. I'm not going to speak to them when I have my brother and boyfriend to speak to. I don't need to talk to them because of whatever the others think is wrong with my friends." Brittany tells her as Jason put his hand on her shoulder. "Mom, I'm not lying to anyone. I haven't told a lie to anyone and I wasn't here when all that went down."

"Okay." Kate says. "I will have a word and see if you truly need to talk to one, but for now, you do as told."

Brittany nodded as she kissed Jason, hugged her mom, then hugged her bother. "I'll call you mom, but please be careful."

"I will. Love you."

"Love you."

Brittany walked away causing Jason to look at her. "I'll make sure she is safe and away from anything that those girls are trying to do."

"Thank you, Jason. Go on ahead and pack her things."

"Bye, mom."

Kate kissed her son's head as she left. Looking at Jason, Shane had on thing to say. "What now, Jason?"

Jason didn't know at the moment, but one thing he knew for sure and that he was going to protect his girlfriend. "Let's get to packing and we will figure it all out together." Jason tells him. "I'm keeping her safe."

Shane watched Jason head up to Brittany's room causing him to follow. He doesn't know why the girls are being targeted, but Brittany shouldn't be involved in that as she wasn't here when all that went down. He saw Jason texting and knew. "Brittany?"

"Yep. I told her to just start coming to my house." He sighed. "Whatever is going on, I'm keeping Brittany away from the drama."

"You're not alone. We will help each other to keep my sister away. That's a promise."

Jason nodded as he will do anything to keep Brittany safe. Starting today.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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