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When Brittany arrived at school, she was smiling as she was texting Jason. Her friends saw her. She didn't look hurt like she was the other day, but Brittany knew how to hide her emotions. Mona walked up to Brittany smiling. "Here is your invitation."

Brittany looked at her. "To what?"

"My birthday party."

Brittany looked at the invitation and smiled. "Sure." She said. "I can use a glamping day."

Mona smiled as she walked away. Brittany heard her phone ringing causing her to look at it. She smiled as she answered. "Hi, Jason." She said as her friends watched her walking away.

"Is she dating Jason?"

"We don't know, but we can't involve her."
"Are your friends going to be there?"

"I don't know." Brittany says as she was packing. "I don't know what's going on, but they are avoiding me."


Brittany shrugged. "Beats me, but I don't care. I have a friend and that's Jason DiLaurentis. He has been there as has Shane. I wished I knew what I did."

"Sweetie, you didn't do anything." Kate says. "They did by avoiding you with no reason."

Brittany smiled as she looked at her mom. She was right. They've made their choice and so can she. She will find new friends who doesn't treat her right. Brittany looked at her mom smiling. "Let's have dinner before I head out."

"Of course, baby."

The blonde smiled as she carried her bag to the living room. She heard her mom on the phone ordering pizza making Brittany shake her head as she heard her phone ping. She looked at it and smiled as she saw it was from Jason. She sat down as she heard her mom talking to Shane. Brittany started texting Jason. One thing for sure, Brittany was starting to catch feelings for Jason. What would Ali say?
On her way to the camp grounds, Brittany had stopped to get Mona a gift, more things for her tent, and to talk to Jason anytime. Brittany smiled as she parked the car and got out. Not to far, a car sat with a figure in it watching Brittany. She grabbed her things just for her phone to ring. "Hello?"

The figure watched as Brittany started walking away from her car. The blonde didn't see the car behind her as she talked on her phone. "I need to get my light out so I can see. I'll talk to you later, Jason."

As soon as she hung up, the car drove and hit Brittany before she had the chance to dig through her bag for a light. Brittany landed on the ground. Her vision started to blur as she laid with no one around her. She closed her eyes as the car left for his next victim.
With the cries of the other liars, Mona's party was over. One girl was walking to her car when she saw a body. "Are you okay?" She asked as she got closer to the body. She moved her and gasped as she saw Brittany. "Oh my god! Help!"

Another group of girls ran over to her. "It's Brittany."

"We need to get her to the hospital."

They nodded as they all grabbed Brittany and carried her to a car to rush her to the hospital. The girls drove off as they saw an ambulance wondering what happened.
Kate rushed in and went straight to the group of girls. "Is she okay?"

"Doing x-rays right now." One said. "They told us that her left shoulder was dislocated and whatever hit her did some damage. They don't know what kind of damage, but we didn't leave till we know she's okay."

Kate smiled at them. "Go home and rest." She said as she saw the doctor. "I need to call her brother. Thank you for not leaving her side."

"Brittany is an amazing person who does no wrong. She shouldn't have been left like that."

Kate smiled as the girls left. She sighed as she pulled the phone out and called Shane. "Shane, it's your sister. She's been in an accident." She started crying as he panicked. "Their trying to see what damage there is."

Inside Brittany's room, the blonde laid peacefully as Alison snuck in. "Brittany."

"Hmm?" She said as she saw Alison. "What?"

"I shouldn't be here, but I heard what happened." She tells her as she grabbed her hand. "It wasn't just you, but Hanna too. I know you two aren't talking, but I know they will learn from their mistakes."

Brittany nodded. "Ali, what happened?"

"You know." She said. "Good night, Brittany."

Brittany fell asleep. She didn't see her cracked phone blowing up with worrying messages from Jason.

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