The Absolute Conspiracy Act 1: Prologue

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The multiverse is a concept that refers to the existence of an infinite number of universes, comprising everything that exists. Each universe within the multiverse is referred to as a different 'Universe,' and each vibrates at a different frequency, preventing normal interaction or visibility between them. If one can travel fast enough, it's possible to breach the laws of physics and travel between these universes.

The future of the Ultra Precure Multiverse was greatly expanded upon the creation of two groups of legendary heroes that helped shape the dreams and hopes within it: Ultras and PreCures

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The future of the Ultra Precure Multiverse was greatly expanded upon the creation of two groups of legendary heroes that helped shape the dreams and hopes within it: Ultras and PreCures. Hence, this multiverse was named Ultra Precure because it was protected by them.

What initially began with two different groups of powerful beings swiftly evolved into a legion where Warriors of Light—Ultramen—and Magical Warriors—Precures—from different universes spend their days fighting evil while shaping their own futures.

Ultraman is the collective term for the beings of light that serve as the heroes in most universes. All Ultra Warriors are easily identified by their silver markings, round colored eyes, crested heads, and Color Timer on their chests. Most Ultramen originate from Nebula M78 of the Side Space Universe, though several come from different planets; some even originate from Planet Earth itself, and some have completely unknown origins.

To qualify as an Ultra Warrior, a character must be a pure Ultra-being who crusades against evil or aids other heroes, such as Pretty Cure, in battle.

Ultramen possess a range of abilities, with energy manipulation being one of their most notable powers. They can emit energy beams from various hand positions, manipulate objects with telekinesis, and erect energy barriers. Additionally, Ultramen can fly and possess the ability to heal other beings through their radiant light.

Due to Earth's atmospheric filtration of light, Ultras experience limited energy supply while on the planet. Some attribute this to pollution hindering light passage. Ultras don't face time limits in space or on planets with dissimilar atmospheres.

Regardless of the cause, on Earth, Ultras can maintain their form for only a few minutes on average. Their Color Timer or Warning Light will glow red and flash at an increasing rate as their energy depletes. To overcome this limitation and remain on Earth indefinitely, an Ultra usually adopts a human form or merges with a human host. If the host recently perished, the Ultra's power can revive them, connecting their life forces.

Ultras are challenging to permanently extinguish. Often, a deceased Ultra is revived by another member of their kind or by other means, typically requiring substantial energy from allies.

In Nebula M78, Ultras are classified into three primary groups: the Silver Tribe, including Ultraman Lipiah, Zoffy, Ultraman Jack, and Ultraman Mebius; the Red Tribe, represented by Ultraseven, Rutler (Ultraseven's Superior), and Ultraman Taro; and the Blue Tribe, with members like Ultraman Hikari and Ultraman Tregear.

These colors parallel the concept of 'ethnicity' for humans. Red and Silver Ultras typically possess superior strength and athleticism compared to their blue counterparts, often forming the majority of the Inter Galactic Defense Force. Conversely, Blue Ultras tend to excel intellectually, contributing to the Space Information Center as scientists and engineers. Recently, however, more Blue Ultras have joined the Inter Galactic Defense Force. Some Ultras, like Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Z, exhibit both red and blue features in the Land of Light.

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