The Absolute Conspiracy Act 4:Heart Flowers Universe

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Heart Flowers Universe

This is the universe from which Ultraman Gaia, Ultraman Agul, and Heartcatch Pretty Cure! originate.

The name of this universe is derived from the Heart Flowers, crucial items in this realm serving as motivation for humanity. Each Heart Flower's color and flower type are said to reflect the owner's feelings and personality, making each one unique. The flower meanings in the series mostly come from Japanese culture, particularly Hanakotoba. It is demonstrated that a Heart Flower can change color if a new feeling becomes dominant, but usually, the Heart Flower will wilt. If not cured in time, color-changed Heart Flowers will wither, and if a flower completely wilts for too long, the Tree of Hearts weakens. However, regardless of the strength of negative feelings, those emotions will vanish when purified along with the Heart Flower.

Upon expulsion of the Heart Flower, the body divides into two entities: a crystal holding the Heart Flower and a crystal ball confining the suffering individual. Normalcy can only be regained through the purification of the Heart Flower and the reintegration of the crystals. Until now, other than the Heartcatch Pretty Cures, only Gaia and Agul, as Ultramen, have been observed purifying withering Heart Flowers. Upon such occurrences, the Heart Flower rejuvenates, irrespective of the owner's prior emotions.

The Desert Apostles use wilting or negative Heart Flowers to create Desertrians. The stronger the Desertrian, the more wilted the Heart Flower.

Once a Heart Flower is returned to its owner and cleansed, it forms a Heart Seed, restoring the Tree of Hearts.

The Tree of Hearts is a magical tree that connects to all Heart Flowers on Earth. A completely wilted Heart Flower weakens the Tree. At the start of Ultraman Gaia and Cure Blossom's first battle, the Tree was in grave danger, as all its flowers had fallen. According to Yuri/Cure Moonlight, the Tree of Hearts remained alive as long as there was light in humanity's soul. Restoring the Tree required collecting Heart Seeds into the Heart Pot. As the Heroes collected Heart Seeds, the Tree improved, eventually birthing a new baby fairy named Potpourri.

Regrettably, Dune ruined the efforts of Gaia, Agul, and Heartcatch Precure to revive the Tree by wilting it himself. However, after the apparent defeat of the Desert Apostles and Zogu, it began to grow again as a seedling thanks to the collected Heart Seeds and Earthlings' light.

The location of the Tree of Hearts is never explicitly stated, but it seems to reside on a floating island in the skies. It also appears above the Pretty Cure Palace.

Within this universe, the supercomputer Crisis, devised by the Alchemy Stars (a consortium of prodigious minds established in 1971), forecasted circa 2018 that Earth and humanity would face obliteration from the "Radical Destruction Bringer." Innovations courtesy of the Alchemy Stars provide GUARD to defend Earth from the radical destruction bringer attacks.

The Radical Destruction Bringer, an unseen presence from outer space, orchestrated the attempted destruction of humanity and the invasion of Earth in the Heart Flowers universe. Zogu, the second in command, is the true mastermind behind the Desert Apostles, while the Radical Destruction Bringer is the main antagonist.

Claiming to be a universal God, the Radical Destruction Bringer seeks peace in the universe. He uses wormholes to transport monsters to Earth. Besides his own monsters, he manipulates other beings, even turning them against Gaia, Agul, and Heartcatch Pretty Cure. He employs psychological warfare to weaken his enemies' resolve.

Due to the Radical Destruction Bringer, Hiroya Fujimiya believes that humanity will become the true "Radical Destruction Bringers." The Queen Mezard, a monster that the Radical Destruction Bringer created, implants a virus into Fujimiya's photon computer, Crisis, leading him to communicate with Earth and achieve the Light of Ocean. Despite this, the Bringer attempts to manipulate him again, portraying mankind as a universe-wide pathogen.

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