The Absolute Conspiracy Act 9:Premonition of Invasion

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Masuko Michio AKA Ultraman Z had slept through a strange dream about a Absolute Being, the Absolute Being who warned him that he would lose everything that he held so dear. As the dream ended, Michio's subconsciousness had transferred him into another dream, one about him standing in the darkness.

"What!? What the Ultra heck happening!?" Michio said.

Then, a voice called to him from the darkness of his subconscious. "Michio... Michio-kun..."

Michio suddenly stopped running and turned his head to observe where the familiar voice came from. "Nodoka? Where are you?" he asked, squinting into the eternal distance. "I can't see where you are."

Nodoka's voice called out to him again. "Michio-kun. You need to wake up!"

"Seriously, Nodoka, where in the world are you!?" Michio demanded. "I can't do anything without knowing where you are!" Suddenly, the floor gave away from underneath Michio's feet, causing him to fall for what seemed like forever, and Michio was screaming the whole way down. When at last, Michio felt his falling body become weightless, floating in an unending darkness where he could see nothing else beyond his hand. "Whoa, this is some weird dream. I hope my dream doesn't involve that Absolute Being again."

By sheer coincidence, Michio felt a light touching his cheek, and he turned to see something that he never thought he'd see again. He saw a translucent, pale blue sphere, big enough to hold someone as big as Michio inside. The sphere consisted of what appeared to be several ultra medals that hold the power of Legendary Ultramen before him and several Transformation Item used by The Precures. "Ultra Arienai! Is that what I think it is!?" Michio wondered.

Then, the darkness around him slowly began to churn and slosh, flashes of golden in the background marking the layers of the supposed darkness. Twelve orbs of light shone in the empty spaces, all orbiting around the Ultra Medals and several Precures transformation device as if it were its own planet itself. Michio looked up to see a giant red symbol burning in the sky, spewing its dying flames towards parts beyond the boy's imagination. "Okay, now I'm Ultra scared! What's going on!? Where in the Universe am I!? What happened to Hagukumi City!? Where are all my friends!?"

Suddenly, a deep, breathing noise reverberated across the emptiness, making Michio's ear painfully that prompted him to cover his ear. Then, as Michio looked up, he saw the same Absolute Being that he saw in his dream, a Absolute Being made into a silhouette form by the dim light of the red symbol on his chest, its chest glowing a brighter shade of red. The Absolute Being brought up its hand and reached down to the sphere, its pillar-like fingers slowly closing in. The hand closed, and the only remaining light that shone was the light peering through the cracks of the fingers.

"Hey, who are you!? What have you done to my Ultra Medals!?" Michio screamed at the Absolute Being. The Absolute Being lowered his head so his gaze met Michio's shape. The hand clutched the Ultra Medals and Precures transformation device in a tighter, vise grip, and the light began to surround it with a shining glow, the bright modules on the giant's gauntlets glowing that same light. The power of the Ultra Medals and Precures Transformation device was now absorbed by the Absolute Being, so with its purpose served, the giant took its fist and shot what appeared to be a planet-sized beam of light towards Michio.

Michio screamed as he knew he could not evade this beam. The last thing he remembered was him screaming as Nodoka's voice ran through his mind.


"Uwaaah!" Michio was jolted awake as he heard a voice wake him out of his dreaming mode. Michio sat on the ground, panting a bit as he turned to his girlfriend with her fairy partner:Rabirin, who hovered near his girlfriend.

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