The Absolute Conspiracy Act 17:The Light in Your Heart

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The heroes slowly rose to their feet, expressions of shock and horror etched onto their faces as they witnessed their transformation devices vanish. Michio scanned his surroundings, confusion evident on his face.

"What just happened?" Michio inquired, his expression pained as he realized he could no longer transform into his Ultraman form.

"Why are we back to our civilian forms?" Nodoka's voice trembled as she spoke.

"Where did our transformation devices go?" Hinase's concern was evident as he realized his Geed Riser was missing.

"My Preheart and Heart Crystal, they're gone too!" Hana's voice shook with panic.

The fairies, including Latte, gasped as they watched their friends grapple with the loss of their transformation devices.

"It appears that Tartarus has begun altering our Multiverse, suppressing the abilities of Ultramen and Precures to transform," Latte explained.

"Meccha!" Hinata exclaimed, taken aback by the gravity of the situation.

"And now that I've destroyed the Ultraman and Precure transformation devices... it's time to introduce the crucial element that will play a role in my endgame," Absolute Tartarus declared, snapping his finger to trigger a blinding light of intense intensity, though not enough to blind everyone in Narak entirely.

"Wow, that's blinding!" Emiru exclaimed, shielding her eyes from the brightness.

"This can't be good," Harry remarked.

"What is Tartarus up to now?" Hikari wondered aloud.

As the blinding light subsided, the heroes and fairies gasped at the sight that unfolded before them.

"No way! Is that what I think it is?" Nagisa's voice carried a mix of disbelief and shock.

Before them, a radiant sphere held an object that continuously deconstructed and reconstructed itself, like a puzzle coming together. The object bore the appearance of a yellow rose, its petals glowing with primordial cosmic energy.

"It's the Prism Flower!" Latte gasped. "A flower with the power to manipulate time, space, and reality!"

"The Prism Flower?" Shin exclaimed. "Isn't that the same flower you mentioned can determine the fate of the Multiverse?"

"Yes, it was the first flower ever created in the universe, and now it's within Absolute Tartarus' reach!" Latte's voice quivered with fear. "The Prism Flower holds enough power to control every aspect of the Multiverse. If Tartarus obtains it, there's no stopping him. He'll rewrite the Multiverse and erase everything and everyone here from its history."

Fujimiya turned his gaze towards Absolute Tartarus. "We can't let him do that. We can't allow him to destroy everything just to achieve his own agenda!"

"But how?" Erika questioned Ultraman Agul's human form. "He destroyed our transformation devices with just a fraction of his power. Who knows what he might do if we try to stop him?"

"With no transformation devices, we're powerless against him," Itsuki added.

"Then we're just supposed to stand by and watch?" Kenji's voice was laced with frustration.

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