The Absolute Conspiracy Act 10:A Bond that Surpassed The Space and Time

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Absolutian Spaceship.

The Absolutian watched the many monitors in the enormous, spacious, dome-like room with life as he sat down in his throne.

On that throne, the Absolutian watched the screens built inside the tiled walls of the golden dome show the major players of his "Absolute Conspiracy", all unknowing, all unaware of the bigger picture that happened as they spoke.

Suddenly, all of the screens on the wall flickered off, but in exchange, the tiled walls lit up and showed the gigantic images of four legendary Ultraman and three New Generation Ultraman he was waiting for, clustered into one group of seven and made up of two screens each. In a clockwise order, the Human Forms of Ultraman that appeared were Kiriya/Ultraman Tiga, Kenta/Ultraman Dyna, Kenji/Ultraman Gaia, Fujimiya/Ultraman Agul, Shin/Ultraman Zero, Hinase/Ultraman Geed/ and Michio/Ultraman Z.

The Absolutian's eye squinted a little at the sight of the Ultramen who lead him into a lifetime of misery and loneliness

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The Absolutian's eye squinted a little at the sight of the Ultramen who lead him into a lifetime of misery and loneliness. They were all being led by a Light and Hope that not even the Absolutian could understand, right into the same place he wanted them to meet him for the first time... and the last time as well.

"Yes... Everything unfolds as I envisioned..." the Absolutian murmured. "Soon, Ultramen... you shall unite at a solitary juncture... where the Four Universes converge in unprecedented harmony..." The Absolutian observed Kiriya, Kenta, Kenji, Fujimiya, Hinase, and Shin hurrying towards the precise location where the First Ultraman sealed Yanakargie. Occasionally, his gaze shifted to Michio's cries of distress, while Asumi's terrestrial wisdom directed Sevenger to the desired destination. "...and when this union occurs, it shall mark your ultimate interaction with the Precures... for I shall ensure the disentanglement of these divergent hero tales... The Ultraman and Precure Multiverses shall remain disjoined, as I find the fusion of these two narratives inconsequential..."

Forest of Hagukumi City.

Ruru's Customized King Joe took its owner and her friends along the Forest as they approached The Ryugamori Lake that Shin and Hinase tell to Ruru as their destination.

The Android Girl guided by the Two Ultraman Host skillfully piloting this customized King Joe while Hana, Saaya, Emiru, Homare, Harry and Hugtan looked around the area through the monitor from this cockpit.

"Umm.. Hinase, Shin-san," Hana called the two boy, earning a sideways glance from the two Ultraman.

"What wrong?!" Hinase asked.

"Not that we complaining, but you've been awfully quiet these last couple of minutes. Care to tell us what's on your two mind?" Hana asked.

"Now that you mention it, these two guys has been awfully quiet since we passed those golden mists." Harry said.

"Hug-gyuu!" Hugtan said.

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