The Absolute Conspiracy Act 8:Ominous Message

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"Wake up... Ultramen and Precure..."

"You don't know me... but I know you very well..."

"We have so much to discuss..."

"Ultraman Tiga, Ultraman Dyna, Ultraman Gaia and Ultraman Agul."

"You four have been revered by many as the four Legendary Warrior of Light... who has saved the Universe for more than one time. You have fended off the Darkness l who tried to use... the same power to destroy your Universe. You have united your own people... using the light that you possess... and gave them all hope for... a happy ending. But to what cost... did you have to pay... to ensure that same hope... for your own story?"

"It cost you the lives of those... you once considered friends. Enemies who once sought out for the ultimate power... and to destroy the Evil and everything else... you all hold dear to yourselves. In the end, they ultimately paid for their failures with their own lives... done in by your own hands... or theirs..."

"Now I intend to make you lose... everything and everyone you held so dear... just like I have so long ago. You will know the feeling of emptiness... once I have taken all you vowed to keep safe. You will know what it feels like... to lose all hope... all emotion... and all faith in your future that you vowed to preserve like I had. You among others will witness... while I drag you and your Universe ... into nothingness... and rewrite Story into the way I desire it to be..."

"Wake up... Ultraman Tiga..."

"Your and your friends final odyssey... have begun..."

Kiriya Irizawa was the first person to be jolted awake as the raspy, breathing voice from his dreams was silenced.

Panting for breath, The human form of Ultraman Tiga took a moment to recover from that strange vision, trying to register the mysterious, Absolute Being and the cryptic message he send through his dream. All he could remember was seeing the Absolute Being's shadowy silhouette, sit on a throne like a King. Other than the raspy voice and the faint silhouette, Kiriya could not remember anything, except for what happened before the strange golden light occurred.

Kiriya pushed himself up and scanned the dark interior of the Verone Acedemy, his eyes adjusting to the pitch-black darkness. The sound of silence hung in the air as Kiriya saw the faint shape of Honoka lying down on the floor, unconscious at the very same place where he trying reach his girlfriend when the golden light suddenly appear swallowing everything. looking nearby him, Kiriya saw the limp bodies of Nagisa and Hikari laying against the tree, them being the victims of the strange golden light's power as well. Kiriya felt a reverie of relief, knowing that his girlfriend and friends were not hurt by the golden light.

As Kiriya woke up, Honoka began to get up from her unconscious slumps, feeling as drained as Kiriya was but nevertheless unharmed and uninjured.

"Are you alright, Honoka?" Kiriya asked his girlfriend.

"I'm fine, Kiriya," Honoka answered, "but whatever that was just now, it knocked us out and teleporting our City."

"Yes," Kiriya concurred. "That golden light was definitely not the work of Dotsuku Zone or Kyrieroid. It was evil being that have ability controlling light like Ultraman or Precure that may have the power to swallowed the Verone Academy, but it wouldn't have the power to render us unconscious. There must be an outside force at work here."

"Well, I guess this isn't the work of some Zakenna or a Super Ancient Kaiju," Honoka theorized. "Do you think that golden light was caused by some sort of Ancient Ultraman?"

"That's highly doubtful, Honoka. I can't sense any Ancient Ultraman that caused the golden light to appear," Kiriya said as he narrowed his green eyes. "However, I sense that another being of light at play, one that even I have little or no knowledge of. It's best that we keep our guard up, Honoka, because whatever might happen will lead us to a dangerous path."

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