The Absolute Conspiracy Act 11:Great Big Gathering!

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Ryugamori Lake.

This Lake wasn't visited with much of the City populace everyday.

That was good, considering the fact that Kiriya, Kenta, Kenji, Fujimiya, Hinase and Shin needed some time to discuss the current strange situation and the connections between them. Kiriya was obviously the first of the five to make it into the Ryugamori Lake, closely followed by Honoka, Nagisa, Hikari, Mepple, Mipple and Pollun.

Kiriya ran to the very lakeside of the Ryugamori and looked around the Lake, seeing not one trace of Kenta, Kenji, Fujimiya, Hinase and Shin anywhere near his location. He hoped he could find his five friends from Parallel Universes because otherwise, the threat he had to face would be beyond anything he's ever faced before as Ultraman Tiga.

It was only then that Kiriya was joined in the Ryugamori Lake by Honoka, Nagisa, Hikari, Mepple, Mipple and Pollun, all helping out Lake by looking around the Lake for something but finding nothing but mostly bushes, trees and the swirling golden mist for the sky.

"Okay, Kiriya, we're here at Ryugamori Lake like you said, but now there's no one here," Nagisa stated the facts. "Are you sure our friends from another universes are gonna be here, Kiriya?"

"I'm sure... at least that's what I'm hoping for," Kiriya responded, scanning his gaze around the Ryugamori Lake.

"How do you know that, Kiriya?" Hikari asked.

"Because this was the place where The Red/Silver Ultraman sealed Yanakargie," Kiriya answered as he turned to the lakeside of the Ryugamori Lake. "I have a feeling that this is also the place where Kenta, Kenji, Fujimiya, Shin and Hinase are planning to meet again. It seemed like yesterday when we fought against Doctor Traum beside them." Kiriya said.

"Listen, Kiriya, I don't mean to still sound a bit skeptical here," Nagisa said, rubbing the back of her head, "but given this whole crazy scenario, what if our friends don't make it here? Think about it, Kiriya. We're all trapped in this realm, and it's pretty unlikely that the city we saw in the distance could be the home of our friend. Maybe it's just some random city from Garden Of Rainbows that got transported here with us."

Honoka grumbled and cast Nagisa a disapproving sideways stare. "Yeah, and what makes you think that city appearing out of nowhere is random?"

Nagisa shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe it's got something to do with Ultraman or Precure I guess."

"Well, you're not wrong," Kiriya said, surprising his two squabbling friends. "This whole situation has something Ultraman and Precure, I believe the city we saw earlier had something to do with it."


The Human Form of Ultraman Tiga and his friends nearly jumped at the voice coming from the western part of this area where Kiriya clearly recognized the voice. Running up the street into the lake was a Boy wearing Yuunagi Middle School uniform that only Kiriya recognized from his black hair, making him gasp happily. Following the Human Form of Ultraman Dyna were two girl having similar appearances resemble Nagisa and Honoka, these two girl wearing the same kind of uniform that Kenta wore.

In the back of the group, there was three mascot-like creatures flying following the three teenagers.

"Hey, Kiriya! Long time no see!" Kenta yelled out to Kiriya and waved at him as he approached the Ryugamori Lake.

"Now who is that?" Nagisa asked nonchalantly.

"It's Kenta!" Kiriya responded, surprising Honoka, Nagisa, Hikari, Mepple, Mipple and Pollun as the Human Form of Ultraman Tiga went into the western part of this lake to greet his friend from parallel universe. The two Ultramen met up in the lakeside, stopping only a couple of feet from each other. The two Ultramen gripped each other's hands that quickly formed into a formal, friendly handshake.

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