𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 - 𝟏𝟕

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It was 10 am.
The whole family was sitting on the living room after breakfast. They just couldn't feel any more grateful for Zhan's presence which united them and make them more like a whole family. No one wished to leave and resume their work leaving such a cute boy's sight.

They still could feel the taste of the cupcakes That their Zhan made for them. Their hearts were filled with warmth of the boy. Strangely they felt smug that Zhan will be staying with them.

Mrs. Wang was watching Yibo with a soft smile. She just couldn't stop smiling. Her heart was filled with Bliss. Her cold hearted son who never ever let anyone touch him without a frown now getting close to Zhan with his own will. She looked at the boy who was fast asleep on the sofa putting his hand on Yibo's lap. She giggled as the boy was looking like a lovely bunny. Her attention was on Yibo's arm which was wrapped around Zhan's body. It was hard for her to believe that it was her son., then again she believed as her son was looking like a love sick puppy.

Her eyes moved towards the entrance feeling someone entering.
Ohh it was Mr. Xiao. Strangely she felt grateful towards him for giving them such a precious gem.

Mr. Wang and Mr. Xiao greeted each other with a light hug.

"ohh, he is sleeping" said Xiao hao in a very soft voice looking at zhan who was asleep on Yibo's lap.

Yibo nodded with a soft smile. He couldn't understand why he is smiling so much now a days.

Mr. Xiao slowly moved towards zhan and sit on his Knees next to him. He poked his cheeks a bit earning a low whimper from him. He smiled sweetly and poked again. His eyes hold adoration and yearn for his son.

The next moment Mr. Hao's finger was inside Zhan's warm mouth who just got irritated without whatever it was disturbing him. It was habit of him to bite into anything.

Mr. Hao laughed so Yibo. Mr. Hao laughed as his bunny is still a baby. Yibo laughed at their interactions as he never experienced such things in his life. He wander how is it possible to be this much adorable. He wander if he poke zhan, will he Suck him too?

Zhan's eyes shot open hearing a vary vary vary known sweetie laugh. His eyes directly meet his Dada's eyes. He blinked for a few moments believing it's not a dream.

Zhan sit up with a big honey pout believing that it was really his dada. Mr. Hao face paled a little looking at the pout. His son hardly get angry on him and pout like this. His chest stringed to even think zhan is angry on him.

"Zhan baby.. What's wrong?" asked XIAO Hao in panic holding Zhan's both hands. It's not only him, but the whole family was panicked with his sad yet cute pout. Yibo somehow was a little calm knowing why zhan pouted.

Zhan sobbed a little with tears pushing his teary face into Yibo's chest.

"Zhan., baby.., don't cry, tell dada, what happened" Mr. Hao panicked as Zhan was really down enough to cry. Did he do something wrong?

Yibo's heard was aching with Zhan's tears. He rubbed zhan's back trying to calm him down. If only zhan hadn't to leave his family, he wouldn't be crying now. He really felt bad about the whole marriage process which always forced one party to leave their family.

"zhan" Mr. Xiao mumbled in sadness. His heart was full of remorse as his baby didn't even look at him. It's the first time he ignored him like this. Then again he must have hurted enough to get him cry so sadly.

Yibo felt really guilty looking at Mr. Hao's pale face. He could understand how he must be feeling. Looking the person who means the world to you cry in front of you is really heartbreaking.

" Zhan., won't you look at your Dada"  asked Yibo. He fully pulled Zhan onto his lap and hugged his lean body.

" -hic- won't -sob -" sobbed Zhan into Yibo's chest. Mr. Xiao's heart thumped with pain with his words.

" bad Dada., - hic- told me not to miss him" zhan sobbed softly hugging yibo tightly. He was hurting too much to not look at his dada.

" but your Dada loves you, he just didn't want zhan to miss him and get hurt" said Yibo softly rubbing Zhan's back. Trying to calm him down.

Zhan cried softly after hearing Yibo. Yet he understood Yibo's point. But it doesn't mean his Dada's word didn't hurt him last night. He just couldn't forget those words. Yet he understands what is doing now is hurting his Dada.

"Zhan baby, I am sorry" said Xiao Hao with tears. He couldn't believe his unconscious words would hurt his son this much. He felt every bit of sadness from zhan's words.

Even though Zhan was really hurt but he still couldn't bring himself to ignore his Dada more and end up hurting him. He slowly pulled away from Yibo and moved down on the floor hugging his Dada.

Mr. Xiao had tears in his eyes. He hugged his baby tightly. Promising himself not to say something triggering zhan's sensitive condition.


It was evening already.
Yibo chuckled looking at the giggling Zhan who was sitting on his Dada's lap. Clinging to him like a bear rambling about rendom things. He couldn't believe it's the same baby who told him last night that he won't talk to his Dada.

The whole family was laughing and giggling hearing Zhan's silly demands from his Dada. His funny talks. His baby voice trying to make his Dada agree to his wishes sometimes then pout cutely if he get rejected. They find him extremely adorable. And of course they are addicted to this adoration.

It's been 3 Days of Zhan being with them. They slowly get to know him. The more time they spend with him, the more affection they felt for him. They loved the way Zhan described themselves to his dada.

But a little disappointed that zhan let his dad know his demands, not them. They wish the boy to be that frank with them.

Yibo who used to felt zhan in too good and silent hit himself in his mind listening to the rambling going on and on. He could only understand his husband is still not comfortable with him to ramble.

Those wangs who felt zhan is extremely obedient and pure for the most loved child on xiao's felt like they were wrong. Their baby is too clever. Knows how to make others work on his words. Knows how to make others agree to him. And his weapon is his tears. A little bit of tears and Xiao Hao dropped everything on his feet. Like how the one week shifting plan moved to three days with his saddened tears.

But that didn't lessen their love for him. Cause they are already slave to him like the Xiao family. And they admire every single thing about him.


How is the chapter guys?



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