Mad about Everything

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In that moment, you felt safe in his hands. Just like that night. But it was lie, it had to be. Just like that night. So you snatched your hand away. You continued to storm off but Jaylen decided to open his big ass mouth. "Running again? Like always?" He grumbled , loud enough for you to hear. You slowly turned back around and stormed towards him. "But she always comes back." He whispered. You grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him towards you. He didn't feel threatened because this sort of thing had happened many times in the past and if anything he was turned on by it.

"Yes?" He said, looking at you with a bit of a smirk. You got a whiff of his cologne. The one he wears when he wants to impress women. "So your planning on getting laid tonight?" You said to him. He shrugged. "Maybe if you'd let it go, we wouldn't be at this point right now." He said looking at you. You didn't want to get emotional, this wasn't the time to be emotional. You let him go. "Let's hope you don't catch something if you already haven't." You murmured. "Speak up baby, I can't hear you if you minimize your voice like that." He said. He knows what buttons to press. Everybody looked at you for a response, peer pressure was a strong as ever.

But you couldn't look back without getting emotional, and it wasn't the time to be emotional. And he knew that so he approached you. He wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled your neck. As he rocked you in his arms, he kissed your head. "You won't let it end like this, right?" He said. You sighed and a couple tears came out. Everybody raised a brow, they had never seen you be emotional and the plan was to keep it that way. People love to take advantage of the vulnerable. "I hate you." You whispered. He was the only one who could get you like this and it tore you up how you let him. Even though you knew it was a trap, you couldn't ignore the fact that he was the closest thing to your battered and bruised heart. You were slightly toxic yourself so it was fitting.

He continued to hug you. "Please let me go..." you cried, thinking you weren't loud enough for anyone to hear you. How you had wished desperately for someone else to hear the muffled cry coming from the depths of you shuttered spirit. But you didn't know that you wanted someone to hear you like that ever again. You didn't know that there'd be someone able to withstand it.

"I think she wants you to let go of her now." Connie said, stepping in front of you and him. He gently grabbed you wrist and pulled you from him. Jaylen raised a brow and looked at Connie. Connie wasn't over the top upset or anything, he knew it was none of his business but he decided to help you out anyway. Jaylen got out of his serious mood and chuckled a bit. He looked back down at you. "I'm sorry N/N, for everything I have done. I'm gonna give you some space. Call me if you wanna talk things over." He said, putting his hand on your head. He looked at Connie. "Since you seem so concerned, it's nothing more than a lovers quarrel. I'll see you around, dawg." He said, going back to the football players.

You calmed down a little before you noticed Connie's hand was still on your wrist. You snatched your hand away. He looked at you. "Nobody asked you to get involved, nigga." You murmured. Connie was a little shaken up by your comment but he laughed it off. "Nice to see you too?" He said. He really didn't know what to do or say in this situation, just like every other time he interacted with you. It just felt like everything he did was wrong. Even the things he didn't do were wrong. You rolled your eyes and walked away. Homecoming was already ruined for you.

You left Connie all alone to wonder what he did wrong. (LIKE A JACKASS 😐/hj) At this point you would need some liquor, hard liquor. So it was already time to find your favorite bad influence, Jacoby. Whether he had disclosed to you what kind of shit he had inside he said you could come see him if the night was becoming a little too hard to handle. So you went to find him.

When you found him you saw he was busy, busy making out with 2 of his exes at the same time, you decided to take it without distracting him. You knew that when Jacoby got like that, he was on a mission. He was trying to get them in bed. You took the cantine and walked away from the situation before you got caught up. Cus you had gotten caught up before and it wasn't pretty.

Killing Me Softly (BLACK Connie X Fem Black Reader X Black MALE OC)Where stories live. Discover now