Chapter 7. <3

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"Let's watch Toy Story!"

Liam yelled as I wiped the tears away.

"You wanna?"

Niall asked me.

"Ehh.. Do you?"

I looked up.

"Not really... I can give you a your round the house if you want."


I smiled, excited to get alone time with him.

"You go ahead lads, I'm gonna take Braylynn on a tour round the place."

Niall said standing, reaching for my hand. I held his hand as I stood and walked out if the theater with him.

"Why did you cry during Red Dawn? That movie was sick!"

Niall said as we walked away.

"He freakin died!!!"

I yelled laughing a little.

"It's only a movie baby."

He laughed back, hugging me close. He lead me up the stairs and down a long hallway. Our first stop would be the kitchen, because I'm starving!" Niall said taking my hand again.

"Do you have like maids and people to serve your food and stuff?" I asked, not knowing how famous people lived."

We walked through the door as he laughed at my question.

"No, we're not that lazy."

Niall said. He grabbed a quick snack for both of us and we walked out. He took me down about four long hallways, naming the rooms off as we went.

"This door leads out side," he said opening it. "But if you cross this bridge it leads to the quest house. Normally only used for family or old friends."

He said. It was seven pm now so it was dark and I couldn't see a thing.

"Hold on let me grab the flashlight."

He said, reaching behind the door. He turned it on and shined the light out the door. He got in front of me, indicating me to get on his back. I jumped on and he led us out the door and across a bridge.

"This is the guest home."

Niall said opening the door. "Nothing real special, bigger than a hotel but kinda the same idea."

He said, quickly showing me around. "Alright let's go back." He said.

I snuggled into his neck as the night breeze made goose bumps appear on my body. He opened the door and stepped in, putting the flashlight back and setting me down, only to take my hand again. He led us down another hallway.

"This is Harry's room"

he said pointing. "That's Louis' , Zayn's, Liam's, and finally, mine."

He said signaling to each room stopping at his.

"And that concludes your full One Direction tour!"

He said sarcastically. I found myself curious about his room and I walked in, switching the light on. I looked around, tears filling my eyes as I looked around. All over the place were pictures of me and Niall, or pictures of just me, inside jokes written on a white board, his whole room, covered with reminders about me and our life 6 years ago. I walked to a picture on the wall, the one drawn of Niall and I in cartoon form from when we went to Disney Land. Then I found a picture of us the day he left, we were in my room, he had told me a joke and my response had made us both bust up laughing as he snapped the picture. I walked to the white board covered in different colors of our old jokes. I found the joke he had told me, along with my response written in green. I read it, reading other jokes as tears flowed down my face at the memories. With every word written on the board I remembered those moments. I turned smiling, crying as I faced Niall.

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