Chapter 13. <3

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"Babe I gotta go their calling me." Niall said.

My smile faded at his words.

"K." I flatly replied.

"Awe common princess, smile. It looks amazing on you." He attempted.

"I'm not trying to make myself look good for anyone though cuz my prince can't see me." I said. Tears started to fill my eyes as I spoke.

"I'll be home soon enough baby." He said. I heard an angry yell from the background.  "But I really have to go now. Love you babe." He said, and hung up.

I slouched and covered my face with my hands. How is this going to work? He's never gonna have time for me. I thought. Tears filled and spilled from my eyes as I thought of losing him again. I just couldn't. I jumped at the vibration of my cell. I read the screen. Lou.

"Hey love! Nialler's real sad he had to hang up the fone... He knows you were sad too, he thinks that you might be scared it wont work out... I just wanted to say, he wants to be with you more than he wants anything, so if your thinking its not gonna work out, it will, because he'll make it work. Love you!" I read the message over and over again. I thought it was a bit weird because I was just thinking that it wouldn't work... And they knew I was. I dried my face and got up. Going to my mirror I fixed my hair and did my makeup. I grabbed my purse and car keys and walked to the living room.

"I'm going over to Raeanna's for a bit so we can talk." I announced to my parents.

"Okay Sweety." My mom said hugging me. She knew I was torn up about the boys leaving. I walked out the front door and to my car. I hadn't driven anywhere since the boys had been here, we just had the limo driver drive us. I hopped in and put the key in, the stereo blared to life as a man spoke. I closed the door and buckled. I froze as I realized the voice. Harry. They were in a radio interview.  The boys laughed at the answer Harry had given, and I immediately heard Niall's over the rest of them.

"So let's go over the topic of girls!" A woman said.  "Cuz we know fans wanna know it all! So who all has girlfriends?" She asked.

"I don't." Harry said.

"Neither do I." Liam said.

"I'm single and ready to mingle!" Louis yelled. A smile spread across my face as I heard Zayn announce who he was dating.

"I'm with a local girl from where Niall used to live. Her names Raeanna." He said. I could hear his smile.

"And I'm dating a girl from back home, actually best friends with Rea, her name is Braylynn. Known her for a long time." Niall said. I could hear his smile, but also his sadness. Tears filled m eyes as I listened to him talk about me and how he was determined to make it work.

"I had to hang up on her a second ago and she got real sad so that's why I was crying." Niall told the woman. I froze. He was crying.

"I'll make it work too baby." I whispered to the radio.

"Great! Now get in the passenger side." A deep voice said. Goosebumps formed at the voice. I didn't know who it belonged to.

"Now." He quietly demanded.

Forget the car just get into the passenger side and when he's getting into the driver side I'll jump out and run inside. Slow, frightened hands reached for my belt to unbuckle myself. I climbed into the passenger side, receiving a tight squeeze to my butt as I climbed over. I whimpered, sending him chuckling.

I reached for the door but it was locked. From the outside. Child proofed. I was locked in until he let me out. Great. My escape actions had gone unnoticed as the man pulled something from his pocket. I gaped as it went dark. He had covered my face with a cloth. Then I felt my hands being tied behind me.

Finally Forever&lt;3 (A One Direction Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें