Chapter 19. <3

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"I'm gonna miss you hun." My mom said, tears spilling out of her eyes. She swiped them away and I hugged her.

"I know mom. I'll call you and FaceTime you a lot. And Skype works too." I told her, directing the "Skype" part of it towards my dad, who couldn't FaceTime.

"I'll keep in touch. I'll text you everyday and FaceTime and stuff at least twice a week. Promise." I told them. I went to my dad and he hugged me tightly.

"You better." He said.

"I'll make sure she does Mr. Blurr." Niall told my dad.

"Alright." He said. I walked to my brothers and messed with Jaden's hair, then gave Jeremy a high five. I hugged them both, Jeremy first.

"Be safe sissy." He told me. I smiled.

"I will buddy."

"I'm gonna miss Niall more than I'll miss you." Jaden said, but hugging me anyways. Niall said goodbye to my family and then sling an arm around my shoulders. Walking to the limo that was going to take Niall and I to our first tour stop, from there we'd be in the bus.

"Hey." I heard my dad yell.

"Don't come home pregnant." He joked. I laughed and tried to hide the tears in my eyes.

"Seriously though. Behave yourselves." He said.

"We promise." Niall and I said together. We got into the limo, our stuff already packed. I looked out the window and waved.

"You okay?" Niall asked me.

"Yeah. I would've just moved out anyways so it needed to happen."

"BOO!" Someone jumped from behind me.

I screamed a blood curdling scream as I tried to get out of my seat but failed since I was buckled in. Niall and Britney laughed at me. I calmed as I realized it was just Brit.

"Brit! What the crap?! Don't do that to me! I thought.." I trailed off, remembering that my boyfriend had no idea of what had happened a few months ago when he left to go on tour.

To Niall it was hilarious, but as I spoke Britney's face turned into a frown.

"Oh my gosh Bray I'm so sorry. I totally forgot." She said worried.

"It's fine. But why'd you do that?!" I asked, trying to slow my heart. Since the kidnaping, I hadn't driven anywhere alone, or in my car at all, I always made sure every door was locked, never went out alone. I was scarred for life by that man whose name I still don't know. I have no idea why he chose me, or how he even found me, but he'd scarred me in ways no one knows.

"You didn't think you were gonna leave here without saying goodbye right?!" She asked, climbing over the seat and sitting next to me, pushing Niall over. I laughed.

"Of course not!" I said smiling. I hugged her. Niall seemed confused at the way Brit had reacted to me being so scared. I shot him an "I'll tell you later look" and continued saying goodbye to Britney.

"Well you have fun!" She said poking my nose. She then turned to Niall.

"And you mister! If you hurt her in anyway or screw up any of your guys' lives I will hurt you so bad you won't even be capable of talking, let alone singing and being famous!" She said, jabbing a finger into his chest.

"Yes mam." He laughed. She kissed his cheek and hugged me before climbing out of the limo.

Niall scooted closer to me as we drove off.

"What was that about babe?" Niall asked worryingly.

"Uhm... uhh... Well... There's kinda sorta... Something I forgot to .. Bring up...." I stuttered.

"You can tell me anything baby." Niall said playing with my hair.

"Well I hate thinking about it leg alone talking about it..." I attempted.

"Bray. What aren't you telling me." He said, his eyes staring into mine.

"Well one night when I called you and you had to go like ten minutes later, I got a bit upset and I was going to sleepover at Rea's. but when I got in the car you and the boys were on a radio interview. It caught my attention because the first thing I heard was your laugh. I was paying attention to it and some random dude came from behind my seat. He locked me in the car and blind folded me. He told me he wasn't going to kill me, just have his fun for three whole days and then send me back home as long as I didn't tell anyone. He took me to a scary building and he umm... He.. H- he ra- raped me." I trembled. "He said he'd keep me for three days and he didn't want me to run so he had these metal bars holding me down so he could easily just come in and ... Ya know... But on the first night he was dead drunk and fell asleep next to me. I found the key around his neck and I unlocked myself and ran. I called the cops and hid from him and then when the cops got there all I did was hit him strait in the face. But he couldn't do anything because the cops had him. You called me a few minutes after they got him, they hadn't even left the parking lot yet and you called asking if I was alright because you felt weird and thought I was hurt or something. But I told you I was fine. I didn't want you to think it was your fault. Since them I haven't done anything in my car, gone anywhere alone, go into the dark alone. Nothing. I'm too afraid now." I told him. Somewhere in the story I started crying and didn't realize it, but by the end I was bawling, not caring about the tears that spilled over my cheeks. Niall pulled me closer.

"It's alright love. It's okay. Don't cry." He tried to comfort me. "Don't ever keep anything, especially like this, from me? Got that? Never." I told me sternly, but still comforting me. I shook my head.

"I won't." I promised. The rest of the way was spent laughing and having fun, and occasionally singing. Little Things came on the radio, and Niall sang it to me. And the other songs that came on were ruined by our screaming voices, trying to be dorks with each other. I soon fell asleep on his should, he fell asleep on my head. The last thing I remember was:

"I love you so much Princess. I'm so glad you could come with us. You don't even know." He told me. I smiled and looked up at him.

"I do know, because I'm just as happy." I said leaning up and kissing him. "I love you too baby." I said, pausing the kiss only for a second. Then it deepened into a full make out session. A few minuets later he pulled away. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Your comfy." I teased. He laughed and hugged me closer to him.

"I love you Nialler." I smiled.

"I love you more Princess." He whispered before we both fell asleep.

Authors note:

Sorry for not posting everyday! It's hard! And really tiring!!

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