Bad Date Gone Wrong! 38. <3

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"Alright ! Lets get this party started!" Kaylee yelled the minute they girls opened the door and saw Raeanna and I. Almost instantly, My Hunter Hayes CD that had all of his songs on it was playing, and Vanessa appeared as her and Kaylee rushed me into the bedroom. Sophie yanked Rea off the couch and into the connected bathroom.

"Guys!!! What the HELL is going on?!!" I screamed.

"We're your "get ready crew" Nessa said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because WE know where your going !" She laughed.

My face lit up and Rea and I squealed at the same time.

"Oohh nononono no. We aren't telling you anything!" Sophie yelled from the other room.

"Hoes." "Bitches" Rea and I said to our friends. They just laughed.


The next two hours were chaos. Soph did Rea's makeup as Kaylee and Ness did my hair, then switched.

"Hey Raeanna!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" She called back.

"Any word from Zayn at all today?" I asked.

"No. Any word from Ni?"

"Not a thing." I sighed.

"They can't contact you at all until tonight."

"Our orders"

"Sorry girls"

They all sang out.

"Ugh!!" Came from Rea and I.

* * * *

"Can I look now?" I asked.

"No!" I got a chorus of screams.

"Here put this on." I was thrown a floral lacy shirt. It was strapless and it was all sorts of light colors. Blue, pink, yellow, and a little bit of green.

I was given some dark skinny jeans with a few rips in them and some cute floral flats. Rea was given a shirt that was laced in the back, it was a pink plaid shirt, with lace also on the hem and sleeves. It was adorable. He was given skinny jeans similar to mine, but darker and no rips. With some white laced TOMS.

We threw on our outfits and complimented each other.

"Okay nails." Vanessa said.

"Can we look first?"


"Ugh! I hate you!" I yelled sitting on the floor with her as she grabbed my hand and began painting my nails.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Ten minutes!" Sophie yelled. Vanessa and Kaylee have just finished our nails and Vanessa re- fixed my hair.

"Can we look NOW?" Rea and I asked.

"Yes." She said smiling brightly. Rea and I rushed to the mirror.

"Wow." I breathed. Not to sound cocky or anything but ... We looked good. Not too fancy or too casual.

"Limo's here!" Sophie yelled.

"Let's go!!" I smiled, taking Rea's hand.


"Okay in ya go!" Sophie ushered us into the limo.

"Can we know where we're going? I asked.

"Nope!" Came our answer.

The doors to the limo were tinted majorly and we couldn't see a thing outside. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the limo stopped.

"Okay ... Look that way..." Rea and I looked at the window she pointed to. Sophie and Vanessa got out and Kaylee stayed in.

"Okay , Kay.. Get Bray."

Kaylee covered my eyes as I got out, handing me to Ness who also covered my eyes. Then I guess did the same to Rea. The girls walked us what I presumed to be forwards. Then, abruptly, we stopped.

"Well.. Have fun." The girls said. Our eyes were uncovered. "Bye!" And then they ran back into the limo.. Waving out the open window. We turned around to see an "Air and Space Museum"

"What the hell??" Rea questioned.

"Hello ladies." Came two voices behind us. We slowly turned around

"Uhh.. Hey babe. Where are we?"

I tried my hardest not to rake my eyes over Niall .. But damn did he look good. Ha. He always does ..

"This is where we'll be spending our two year! Fun right!" Zayn smiled like the happiest man on the planet.

"Uhh... Yeah .. " Rea mumbled.

"Then what are we waiting for?! Lets goo!!!!" Niall yelled, him and Zayn running off ahead.

Rea looked at me as I looked at her.

"You've gotta be kidding." I laughed bitterly.

"We ain't gonna be together for our tow year if he ain't kidding." Rea said, linking her arm in mine as we walked.


After two whole hours, we finally found the boys.

"There you guys are ! Enjoying yourselves?" Zayn smiled brightly again.

"Not really!" Rea snapped.

The boys' eyes grew wide with surprise.

"What? Why not ??" Niall asked concerned.

"Well I don't know Babbeee." I said emphasizing the 'babe'. " Maybe just because we're at some stupid ass museum with guys who left us for two hours!!!" I yelled angrily. Thank god we're outside.

Zayn smirked a little.

"What the fuck Zayn?! Wipe the dame smile off your face before you don't HAVE a two year anniversary!" I yelled.

"Maybe we could make it up to you?" Niall said rubbing my arm lightly.

"Yeah whatever." I spat.

"Common baby. Just follow me?" He pleaded, takin my hand. I had half the mind telling me to pull away, but I decided against it, knowing how bad it would hurt the both of us .



Hey guys, I'm so sorry it took longer than expected .. I had to babysit 3 kids .. All week . It was horrid! So I apologize ! Oh and one more thing ... I'm not sure if I've said this or not yet so I'm gonna say it anyways.... A friend mentioned that she thought Rea was pronounced as Ray... It isn't .. It's Rea like .. Ree. Like hour you pronounce tea ? Yeah like that. Haha c: sorry for confusion if you thought it was Ray too .. :( love you all ! Keep voting and stuff ! <3

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