Woah !! What ?!! 40. <3

29 0 1

Please be aware that I don't know anything about this shit , and this is HIGHLY unlikely and unrealistic ! Love you all !!

*Bray's P. O. V.*


"Maybe we could make it up to you?" Niall said rubbing my arm lightly.

"Yeah whatever." I spat.

"Common baby. Just follow me?" He pleaded, takin my hand. I had half the mind telling me to pull away, but I decided against it, knowing how bad it would hurt the both of us .


Niall grabbed my hand and Zayn took Rea's in his.

They led us around the corner and after about two minutes of walkin we stopped. I looked up from my shoes to see a huge rocket plane thingy .. The ones that go into space. Then they guys started walking towards it. When we got to the ramp leading up to it I stopped. Rea was looking around, highly confused, and stopped with me.

"Guys.. I don't think we're aloud in there." I said.

"Oh , but we are!" Niall smiled at me, his eyes twinkling.

"Your kidding." I said.

"Nope. We're going up. To the moon." He smiled.

Raeanna screamed and I froze.

"W-we-we're go-going.... U-up ? I-in th-that?" I stuttered severely.

"Babe. Hey. Hey, baby don't worry. We'll be okay. I'll be with you you'll be safe okay? Nothing with happen I promise." Niall said, making me look at him.

"I-I don't know Ni.. Wh-what I-" I was cute off by his lips on mine as he kissed me forcefully.

I fell against the rail behind me as I pulled my hands around his neck, tangling my fingers in his hair. He pulled away, both of us slightly breathless.

"You. WILL. Be. Okay. I'll make sure of it ." He promised.

"Okay." I whispered.

We boarded, all of our stuff being there already, and took off.

After about 30 minutes, we were floating around in the rocket, without gravity. And I gotta say, DAMN THIS IS FUN!

Niall burst into laughter as he tried to brush his teeth, but the tooth paste flew up instead. Rea and Zayn laughed along and soon I joined in too.

Suddenly we stopped and I screamed as we jerked. Niall came over to me and held me close.

"It's okay love, calm down." He told me.

Suddenly the speakers came on.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome, to the moon. Please be sure to put your dafter gear on cautiously and perfectly before opening the door. Thank you and enjoy your time!" A mans voice said.

We struggled to get all of our gear on and checked all of our helmets and oxygen at least five times before finally opening the door.

Outside was literally the most perfect and beautiful thing in the world .. Well. Out of the world I guess.

Different colors of blue, purple, pink , and green were everywhere and there we stoo.. Floated. On the moon.

"Niall?" I squeaked.

"Yes baby?" He asked.

"I love you." I said, my smile huge.

"Come here baby" he smiled. He took my hand and we flipped, literally, through the air slowly.

After laughing and spinning, twisting, flipping, and dancing, Niall stopped.

"What's wrong Ni?" He took a deep breath.

"Bray.. I love you and you know that.." Niall started.

"Of cou-" I started , but he cut me off.

"No. Listen. Don't talk. Please." He said. I simply nodded.

"I've known you, for fifteen years. I was 5. You were 4. Now, your twenty already. I'm twenty one. You mean, so much to me." By now he almost had tears in his eyes, and I had the most confused expression.

* Niall's POV*

As I spoke I was vaguely aware of Rea and Zayn watching from the side of us, but I didn't care. All I could see was the beautiful woman before me.

"You mean so much to me."

I smiled with teary eyes, watching as her face took on a confused expression. I'd literally watched her grow up, except for those 5 years without her. Gosh that was so horrible. Being without her. I had wanted so badly to be with her, but I was afraid she'd be mad that I left. That's the only reason I never kept in touch. I thought she'd hate me for leaving her. She was only thirteen and probably needed me. And I left. Granted I didn't have a choice, but still.

"Everything you do, everything you say, lights up my world. Your all I will ever need and I couldn't live without you. Without you Braylynn I would seriously be one hundred percent lost. I wouldn't know where to go, what to do, nothing. I want you, I want us, to last forever. Forever and ever and ever and ever." I spoke with tears. She now had tears in her eyes too. And as I got on one knee, I took out the small blue box and held it out in front of me, still closed. Her smile was so huge I thought her cheeks may rip.

"So that's what I plan to do. Make us forever. Permanent. And so, Braylynn Marie Blurr. Will you do me the incredible honor , of becoming Mrs. Horan?" I smiled up at her, opening the box.

She smiled and cried and screamed all at the same time as she vigorously nodded her head and jumped into me, making us go flying back into back flips. I laughed and placed the ring on her finger, putting the box back in my pocket, knowing she'd want to keep it. I'd kiss her, but the helmets won't allow.

"I hope you know, the second these damn things are off, I'm gonna kiss you with all my being." I whispered to her. She laughed and hugged me closer. I smiled.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too fiancé" she giggled.

"Well you know your gonna need a maid of honor !" We heard from the side. Our heads snapped up.

* Braylynn's POV. *

I squealed as I 'ran' over to Rea and showed her my ring. Crying , I confirmed her as my maid of honor. Zayn congratulated Niall and hugged me tightly.

* 2 weeks later *

"Babe , you ready?" Niall asked, picking up my bags.

"Yeah." I squealed. We were going back home today .... To my parents. My brothers. Gosh I missed them. Even Jaden. Mom and Dad knew about the engagement . Obviously, since Niall asked my dad permission first! But nobody else. Well except the boys girls on tour with us obviously. Brit didn't know, along with my good friends Andrea and Rose. Nobody. But that's okay. Because tomorrow night were having a huge sleep over party . Childish. I know. But oh well. I smiled. Everything is perfect. And it'll get even more perfect after the wedding.


EEEEP! Sooooo ! He proposed!!!!! Sorry for the late update !!! I'm gonna try to update every weekend. Saturday or Sunday. If not every weekend then every other weekend. Love you all !!! (:

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