Chapter 21. <3

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Holy crackers and cheese guys!! I just looked and saw that I had 104 reads! Is my story good??? I hope you like it! Sorry I haven't been updating much, been busy with school... And reading other fanfics... I just get so caught up in it! Haha wow I'm weird okay here ya go!(: sorry for any mess ups throughout the story!:/ feed back is greatly appreciated!


"But I wanna go!"

"No, we got here first Lou."

"And if we all come they'll wonder where Nialler and Li are!"

"But I wanna go toooo!" Thud. Thud.


"I'm driving deal with your own damn problems!"

This is what I was awoken by. Leaning up I found Niall slowly waking too. We got up grumpily and walked to where the noise came from upstairs. As we walked up the stairs we found a small ladder leading onto the roof of the bus and Harry, Louis, and Zayn wrestling on the floor.

"Boys." Niall sighed. "Boys!" He repeated a little louder.

"My hair!" Zayn screeched.

Niall and I looked at each other.

"BOYSSS!!!" We screamed off the top of our lungs.

"What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On?" I sighed threw gritted teeth.

"Brayyyy!" Louis whined and jumped up.

"Zayn and Haz wanna go say go to the fans but they won't let me go!" He pouted.

I gave a questioning look.

"What do you mean say hi to the fans?" I asked.

"Let's all go up." Niall said.

"But the fans will flip cuz Li isn't there.

"Liam James Payne park the damn buss and get your ass up here!!" Niall and Louis shouted together. Liam appeared seconds later. I laughed at the boys as Niall tugged me up the stairs. We were greeted by the fresh morning breeze and hundreds of fans. Niall grabbed a bull horn and yelled into it.

"Hello!!! Everyone say hey to Bray!! But be nice! She's just woke up and she's a wee bit cranky!" Niall laughed, squeezing my cheeks.

"Oh so we're playing this game are we?" I laughed taking the horn. "Hi! Don't believe him! He's just woke up also and feels the need to pick on me cuz he's hungry!" I laughed. "As always!" I added.

"Oh really? Am I now?" He yelled.

His eyes sparkled with mischief and a grin appeared on his face. He walked toward me and took the bull horn, setting it on the floor.

"You shouldn't have said that princess." He hissed in my ear. I screamed as his hands attacked my sides. I finally struggled out of his grip, and ran around the roof of the bus as the boys laughed and fans recorded us. I screamed as strong arms wrapped around my waist, but giggled as he spun me around, holding me from behind. He set me down and spun me around to face him. The fans screamed and cheered our 'ship' name as our faces came closer, just a breath apart. Deciding to mess with him I poked his nose and spun around, skipping to the other side of the roof and grabbing the horn from the floor.

"Not this time Horan" I said, I winked and hugged all the boys and turned to the fans.

"Hey guys, I wouldn't get too excited over these losers! Their not that much to talk about!" I laughed. When I turned around the boys were all serious. Really, like a couple of jokes could make them lose fans? Oh well better play it safe. "Just kidding boys your amazing. Love you! Haha guys the boys are amazing and I'm extremely lucky to know them! Love you all!" I yelled. I ran to the boys and hugged them, then kissed Niall lightly. I went into the bus and to the kitchen for a snack, but heard footsteps close behind me. I spun around and was greeted by Niall, who quickly wrapped his arms around my waist,

"I think we left something unfinished upstairs." He smirked.

I laughed and kissed him slightly, but pulled away and grabbed some chips and a soda, then headed towards the hangout room with Niall right behind me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked sitting next to me.

"The vow?" I asked back.

"How about you pick, I pick, and so on?" Niall laughed. I agreed and got up to put the movie in before sitting back down and curling into Niall, preparing myself for the emotional day of movies.

Finally Forever&lt;3 (A One Direction Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang