Chapter 10. <3

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"You know we never said what it was like when I left.." Niall said as we sat on my bed. The boys had gotten tired and left around 10 but Louis stayed at talked with my dad. In other words played football on our Xbox. Raeanna was dropped off at home by the boys, they probably met her parents too but she never texted me or anything so I don't know.

"Ya I know." I said looking down.

"Princess? What's wrong?" Niall asked lifting my head. I took his hand in mine and pulled it away from my face.

"Nothing." I said flatly.

"You wanna tell me what it was like after I left?" He asked me. No. I hated it. I was bullied and laughed at by everyone. Stupid popular people always picking on me. I couldn't tell Niall. He'd blame himself.

"Umm...." I couldn't stand the idea of Niall blaming himself for leaving. It wasn't his fault. I couldn't do that to him. "How about you tell me about Ireland first?" I asked Niall. His eyes looked at me with doubt but he told me about it anyways. He told me about his house, school, town, friends, problems, good times, everything. I listened to him as he told me about his friends.

"My friend Jef was hilarious, he'd always make me feel better when I was sad. He'd make these little scripts up in like five minuets and he'd act out a one man play, acting as two people. It was hilarious. And he'd base it off what I was upset about. If it was missing you, it'd be you and I and he'd make a skit where we'd meet and just make out. If it was that I was mad at some guy, it'd be me beating the crap out of them, or if it was someone tougher than me, it'd be him beating me so it's convince me to not fight that person or something. It was pretty funny." Niall laughed.

"That's funny." I said.

"Tell me about here, after I left what'd you do? Who'd you hangout with?" He asked.

"Uhm... Ya know I'm pretty sleepy." I said weekly.

"Bray? I know your not. Is there something you don't wanna tell me?" Niall's eyes grew with worry and sadness as he asked the next question. "Did you fall for someone?" He asked.

"No no! Baby your my one and only. Promise. It's just ... I kinda got bullied. Don't like to talk about it." I said to him.

His eyes were happy that I haven't replaced him but instantly grew with sadness as I continued.

"You can tell me princess." Niall said. He desperately wanted to know.

"Well... People made fun of me because I had no friends, my only one was gone forever and forgot about me because I'm a nobody and I don't deserve to be here, people said I smelled, looked ugly, I was fat, usually bullying. But I never gave into it, I wouldn't let myself. I acted as though it didn't hurt me. I was taught if I didn't care they'd move on, but it got worse. I remember one time I was in PE and this boy was saying I looked pregnant, he'd been picking on me for years... I was tired of it. I leaned over and I said you know what I swear you keep picking on me I'm gonna lean over and sick you straight in your gosh dang face. And he said you've said that before it'll never happen and I said keep picking on me and I'd love to show you I'm not lying. And the girl behind me leaned up and she said your a jerk Luke! And he said oh so and so's a jerk all the time but everyone thinks he's funny why can't I be mean and funny? And his best friend looked at me and turned to Luke and said cuz your not just being a jerk your being an ass. And Luke leaned back and never was rude again. But that didn't stop there. I just kept defending myself. When I met Rea it spread to picking on both of us and she wasn't a tough about it.. She'd cry and is get even more mad and stand up for both of us. It carried on until people started getting in trouble for it. Kicked out of clubs, off of school teams, people kept their rude comments to themselves. People were nice to us. We gained some friends and everyone left us alone. That is until this year. Second quarter a new girl came. Jennifer. Started dating the star football player. She claims to be a Directioner. Your her favorite. She always wear shirts and has bags of you. I wear my future mrs Horan shirt a lot and when I do she posts notes on my locker saying stuff like Niall's mine, back off, he's too good for you, your too ugly for him, stuff like that." I poured out everything that had happened. Every main bully, every person who took up for me, everything.

"Well then Jennifer will be happy to see this." Niall pulled out his phone.

"Smile." Niall said turning the camera to us. I leaned into him and smiled. Then he leaned down kissing me cheek and i giggled, he took the picture. Then he took his hand and gripped my face forcing it to face him as he kissed my nose, snapping a picture. He kissed me on the lips and took the pic. He set the phone down and cupped my jaw gently in his hands and kissed me again, more passionately this time. He pulled me closer and we sat on my bed.

"Why didn't you want to tell me any of this?" Niall asked.

"Because I thought you would've blamed yourself." I said truthfully.

"Well if I hadn't left nothing would've happened." Niall said.

"No Niall stop this is why I didn't tell you." I said, sitting up a little. I leaned closer, causing him to be quite.

"Ok. I don't blame myself." Niall said. His eyes focused on my face then dipped down to my lips as he leant in. He lifted his hand to my cheek and leaned closer. His touch was so delicate, so sweet. I leaned in closer and his lips gently pressed to mine. I moved my hands around his neck and his went around my waist. I found myself disappointed when he pulled away.

"Niall, do you realize how lucky I am to say that I just kissed you? I just kissed Niall James Horan!" I said in a fangirl voice.

"Like anyone's gonna believe you." Niall said with a wink. I smiled and cuddled into his chest.

"Princess, just promise me one thing." He said. Not taking the seriousness in his voice I started singing their song One Thing.

"I don't I don't don't know what it is but you've got that one thing!" I laughed.

"Ha ha very funny. But seriously, promise me something?" He said seriously.

"What is it Niall?" I looked up at him.

"If people pick on you at school anymore, tell me." He said.

"Well lucky for us I don't have school anymore." I smiled up at him.

He leant down and kissed my nose. I giggled and settled back into his chest. I fell asleep in his arms for yet another time, and with a smile on my face.

Authors note! :

Seriously are you guys liking this?! I don't even know if people are reading this except for two of my best friends! Haha(: oh well!(:

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