Chapter 20. <3

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"BRAY!" Louis screamed as he saw me get out of the limo. Before I could respond Louis I was tackled in a hug. I laughed as Louis spun me around.

"Holy crap Lou!" I laughed. He hugged me tighter. "Can't. Breath. Lou." I choked out. He laughed and set me down.

"Oh. Sorry." He said sadly.

"Your too strong BooBear!" I teased.

"Sorry babe!" He yelled. I smacked him playfully in the shoulder.

Aside from Niall, Lou was defiantly my best friend in the group. We could tell each other everything. We acted like an old married couple, but in a friend type way. Niall came from behind me and slinked his arm around my waist. Niall still got a bit jealous of the friendships I had made with the boys. There was no need for him to get jealous though, all the boys no more than friends to me. I cuddled into Niall as he shot daggers at Louis

"It's okay Ni." I whispered. He looked down at me. I took this time to lean up and kiss him. He smiled as we pulled away.

"I'm working on it, the jealousy, I'm trying I promise. J just don't want to lose you again." Niall said.

"I know baby." I replied. I knew he was genuinely trying.

"Oh get a room!" All the boys yelled. I notice one voice missing. Hmm was it... Zayn?

I peeked behind the boys where I found Zayn makings out with Raeanna. I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture.

"Your telling us?! Their practically swallowing each other!" I laughed. Zayn and Raeanna jumped apart, blushing like crazy. Rea just looked at the ground as Zayn glared at me.

"That's one for twitter!" I yelled laughing.

"You wouldn-" he started, but was cut off with his new notification on twitter.

"Ugh!" Rea and Zayn said together. If looks could kill, Zayn would've killed me. My eyes grew large as his lips grew into a smile.

"Three seconds to run." Zayn warned.

"Three..... Twoooo....." Zayn said stalking forward. I backed up behind Niall.

"No Zay-"

"One!" He cut me off as he charged toward me. I screamed and ran away from him. I ran behind the building screaming all the way there. As soon as I turned the corner I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"Where you think your goin' love?" Zayn said.

"Uhh ... I ... You see ... I ... Uh ... I ... Only posted the picture because ... Uh ..." I stuttered trying to make up an excuse.

"Really?" He laughed. "Hmmm what's a good punishment for this?" Zayn laughed evily. My eyes grew and as did his smile. "Ohh I don't know is wittew bway tickwish?" He said in a baby voice. 'Is. Bray. Ticklish. Answer to that: YES!!! So very much!!' I thought.

"N-N-No." I lied.

"I think your lying." He said, attacking my sides. He tripped me but caught me before I hit the floor, then set me down on the cement, sitting on top of me and continued to tickle me. Within seconds I was rolling, gasping for air as he tickled me. The rest of the boys and girls appeared and Rea took an embarrassing picture of me.

"Payback." She laughed. I couldn't. breath!

"Alright that's enough let her breath!" Niall laughed. Zayn got up and laughed at the sight of me struggling to get oxogyn. Niall helped me up and I jumped on his back. Niall laughed but held my legs so I wouldn't fall.

"This is where the other girls are staying." Niall informed me.

Raeanna stopped.

"Other girls? Why aren't you staying with us?" She asked, clearly confused.

"Uhm I'm gonna go with them on tour." I hesitated, afraid someone would be mad.

"Cooool!" The girls all said in unison. We checked in and got the key to the room. Apparently the boys insisted on buying a huge room for them, saying they wanted the rest of the girls to have fun too. After about an hour the boys' bus was waiting for us outside. If you thought the outside of the bus was cool, you were in for a big surprise about the inside. When you walked in it has a small tv with black comfy couches, walking down the hall to the right of the comfy looking place, there was a bathroom, and down more there were 5 cute little rooms, with closets and individual bathrooms. Walking to the left of the 'comfy room' as I'm calling it, there was a small flight of stairs, which led to a big room that had a very large tv, computers, a couch, bean bag chairs, Xbox, wii, board games, total hangout place. I've just names it the 'hangout room.' On the other side of the hangout room there was a kitchen and another bathroom. Dang do 5 guys really need 7 bathrooms?! Oh well. Niall had taken me on a full tour, ending with his room.

"And this is our room." He said smiling. The other boys went straight to the hangout room, but Niall took me to look around.

"Nice." I said, laying on the bed. Niall laid next to me and pulled me over to where I was on top of him. I kissed him lightly, but he deepened it, pulling me closer than I thought was even humanly possible. Durning our full on make out session Louis burst threw the door.

"No PDA!" He screamed.

"Out!" I yelled back.

"Aww look! Bray's mad cuz I ruined hers and Niall's make out!" Louis yelled off the top of his lungs.

"I know the feeling!" I heard Zayn yell from upstairs. Managing not to smile I glared at Lou.

"Out." I repeated. This time he left, closing the door behind him. I turned back to Niall, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I took in his scent, yawning.

"Go to sleep love. I will too." Niall said. I lifted my head an kissed him lightly, then laid back down.

"I love you Nialler." I yawned.

"Love you too Princess." He said. I closed my eyes.

"Forever." He added.

"And always." I smiled into his chest, falling asleep in the arms of my amazing boyfriend.

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