|18| Comfort me

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"Love was like the waves in the sea, gentle and good sometimes,
rough and terrible at others but that it was endless and stronger
than the sky and the earth and everything in between"
~Veronica Rossi

Things have almost gone back to normal between me and Tobias. Every day he sneaks in my bedroom through the window, I don't really mind though in fact I love it, I want him next to me every minute of my life. I've become so used to him that it's almost impossible to sleep without him.

I try hard not to think about the accident. I don't exactly remember much about the accident, all I can remember is a truck colliding with my car and glass shattering. It is not fun remembering the worst day of my life.

I hear the same low sound like always and instantly a smile makes its way onto my face. Tobias, as usual. I can never understand and I don't think I will ever how Tobias comes through the window, so quietly, without waking anyone up.

He climbs into the bed and I turn to face him, smiling. He gives me one of those heart stopping smiles and it's like a thousand butterflies have erupted in my stomach.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"Climb in so quietly, without making any noise?"

"I've my ways."

"Of course." I wrap my arms around his torso and his circle around my waist, pulling me closer to him. We fall into a comfortable silence, just hearing each other's breath, seeking comfort in it. I watch as a lock of hair falls on his forehead and my hand immediately goes to move his hair out of his forehead. His hair shift as I move my hand through his soft, fluffy hair. I can't stop staring at his beautiful face and enthralling eyes that have me under a spell.

He kisses my eyes, cheeks, lips moving to my jaw, neck and dangerously down, and a strange sound erupts through my throat which is something in between moaning and whimpering, in turn he groans with desire. I can feel his heart-beat echoing mine.

"Tob-Tobias," I say somehow, breathing hard, "I think we should stop now."

"Sorry," I say as he pulls away guiltily and nestles his chin on my head.

"Don't be," he says honestly, "This is new for you. I understand. I'll wait as long as you want me to."

"We need to talk soon, you know," Tobias says suddenly.

"About our escape-wilds?" I ask putting my head on his chest. His grip tightens around me. He nods his head.

"We will soon." I don't want to worry about what's going to happen in the future. At least not now. I just want to stay in his arms.

I can't keep my eyes open even for a second longer. My eye lids begin to droop. I feel tingling sensations on my forehead as Tobias plants a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you, Tris," I hear him murmur. My hear skips a beat at that, I smile and pull him closer to me.


The truck, the glass, the patrols. I remember everything. I scream as the truck hits my car and the glass of my window shatters. "No!" I scream thrashing around. Tears spring in my eyes and it becomes difficult to breath. I gasp for breath it feels as if someone is choking me.

"Tris, wake up!" I hear Tobias saying in a concerned voice.

"Open your eyes, baby. I'm here," He says putting his warm hands on my cheeks. I open my eyes to see Tobias staring at me guiltily.

He murmurs soothing words, pulling me to him and I shake violently in his arms, crying.

"Want to talk?" he asks. I shake my head 'no'. I want to forget it; I want to forget it ever happened. He pulls away from me but I cling to him tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Don't go. Please," I say in a shaky voice.

"Relax. I was just getting some water for you." He pours some water in the glass from the jug and holds it to my lips. I drink some water and again pull him to me. He puts the glass back on the nightstand and once again wraps his hands around me protectively, stroking my head gently.

I bury my head in his neck, wanting to melt into him, wanting to forget everything, except us.


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