|21| Into the Still Blue

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"She absorbed the terror and beauty of him and his world. Of every moment over the past days. All of it, filling her up like the first breath she had ever taken. And never had she loved life more"

~Veronica Rossi

"I'm sorry, Caleb," I say getting up as I look at his sleeping figure beside Cara. It's been almost two weeks and yet we haven't been able to do anything for Tobias. Caleb won't let me go; he's worried I might get hurt. There's no way in hell that I'll leave Tobias alone with those freaks. I need to find him. Tobias I'm coming, I say silently in my head.

These people have been able to do nothing. Not like they didn't try it's just that they didn't succeed. I almost reach the entrance of the tent when a hand shoots out and holds my leg. I try to be as quiet as possible and look down to see who's holding my leg.

"Mommy, please don't go! I'll get bored!" Zeke's voice. It's slightly creepy. I step on his other hand so he would let go of my leg.

"Shit!" he curses and cradles his hand to his chest. I quickly run out of this extremely creepy place, stepping on people's legs, arms...

I breathe a sigh of relief once I reach outside. The storms have gotten worse; it's impossible to stay outside for long. I hope I'll make it alive till there. Christina had said that help was going to come anytime now. No one has any idea about how and when, they just know that it's going to come soon, very soon. Please wait for us, I pray silently. Wondering what will happen in case Tobias and I don't return on time.

I'm almost positive that he's still alive and I'll find him. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that he is definitely alive otherwise I would have got an empty feeling in my heart. Love can do you crazy things, like it has made me crazy right now. I know this is totally wrong, foolish to go alone but I'm doing the exact same thing. For once I'm following my heart instead of my brain.

I look for some weapons, in case I need them. Since I've come here I feel different, I feel much stronger, braver. The old Tris is gone; I left her behind the fence. I've learnt quite a few things since I've come here. I take a gun and feel it in my hand. I might need this. I love the feel of the gun in my hand; it makes me feel safe for some unknown reason.

I learnt handling it pretty quickly. I move on to the place where all the knives are kept. I pick up a long, sharp looking knife. I never got to learn how to use a knife but I take it, it might help me at some point.

I open the truck that contains food and eat some canned beans, knowing I need my strength. I stare at the pills that they give me and Christina daily, wondering why they give us those thingies. And when I ask them what those things are they refuse to tell me. Maybe I'll have to ask Tobias about it.

I quickly get up and wear my sneakers as I see the signs of a thunderstorm. This is a bad idea, a very bad idea, I know, but I can't leave Tobias alone there.


After about an hour's walking, I somehow reach the fence-losing my way, tripping ever now and then, almost getting burnt by a lightening.

I look up at the fence but I can hardly see what's beyond it and it seems as if half of it is burned, damaged. I pick up a stone and throw it at the fence to check if the siren starts ringing but it doesn't. I look at it skeptically, curiously, trying to figure it out.

I carefully touch the fence but again no sound at all. I climb up the fence hastily and when I reach the top, what I see surprises me. There's fire everywhere, the weather is the same as in the wilds-wild, stormy, people are running aimlessly as if to safe their lives. There's definitely something wrong; how can the people be out after the curfew?

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