|5| Bugger

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Chapter : : five

"You couldn't handle me even if I came with instructions."

* * *

In these two days, so much has changed. By so much I mean almost everything. I haven't seen Chris ever since our little episode of 'cat and dog.'

I sit quietly in the so-called 'info' class. I really am not willing to confront Four yet.

As if on cue he enters the class and to my utter disbelief, sits next to me. Everyone in the class is shocked would be an understatement.

"Hi," he says but I am incapable of saying anything. I stare at him wide-eyed with my jaw just about to touch the floor. He waves his hand in front of my face. "Back to Earth."

"Why are you sitting here?" He simply shrugs in response.

"I thought you would want to sit next to me."

"Oh, get over yourself," I say, trying to calm my heart which un-surprisingly enough has started racing again. Nothing new though, he always does that to me.

"Your jacket," I say throwing it at his face.

"Hey, I saved you from fucking pneumonia and you treat your savior this way?"

"Shut up, you piece of flunk!"

"Oh calm down," he says rolling his eyes.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when Mr. Lavigne entered.

He started his lecture in his famous droning voice. Which is honestly a social suicide. It's for the twenty-eighth time that I'm listening to this 'cured-uncured' thing.

"Psst-psst," Four says nudging my arm.

"What?" I hiss.

"Do you have a pen?"

"What for do you come to school if you don't even have a pen?"

"Ms. Prior and Mr. Eaton, what are you two doing there?" Mr. Lavigne all but spits out.

I am shell-shocked, Four on the other hand is totally indifferent.

"Umm .. nothing sir. He was disturbing me," I say in a shaky voice. Just when I thought that Mr. Lavigne was convinced, Four interrupted.

"I was disturbing you?"

"Yes, you were!"

"No, I wasn't!"

"Silence," Mr. Lavigne says, "You both out now! Stand outside the class," he says with a spite in his voice.

"But sir—" I protest but I am cut off, "No buts. Out now!" He says gesturing towards the door.

I've no other option so I drag my sorry ass out the door. Four looks almost...happy even after being punished.

I lean against the wall outside with the bugger on my right, leaning against the wall with his hands crossed on his chest. He looks .. intimidating.

"I've never been in a punishment before. This is all because of you. You utter twat!" I accuse, pointing a finger at him.

"Oh yeah?" He asks raising an eyebrow.

"You are totally imbecile,"

"Imbecile? It's a good thing or a bad thing?" he asks in a pretty serious tone which makes me laugh.

Oh God! This boy's vocabulary!

"What are you 5?"

"Nah...I'm 17."

"I'm getting bored," I whine.

"Do you want me to sing a song in my mellifluous voice?"

"Big words, huh?" I say, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, whatever. Answer my question."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I need my ears. I have heard enough dying crows and I don't want to hear them again."

"So you think I sound like dying crows?" he says putting his hand on his chest in mock hurt. "Words hurt."

That's a lie though. His voice is really, really amazing. But I'm not going to tell him that. His ego is already so big and I can't afford it if it gets any bigger. So I don't say anything.

"Trissy-poo," he says poking my right cheek, "talk to me." His touch sends fire in my whole body. It was okay till he was just talking but when he touches me, my heart can't bear it. It becomes a bit too oppressive for my small heart.

"Shut up or I'll castrate you even before you can say the word, 'killzone'." This sends him into a fit of laughter and all those who are passing by give us weird looks and I have a sudden urge to face-palm myself. Some of them even give us dirty looks as if we are not just standing but doing something.

"You are...you are...hilarious." He says in between his laugh.

"Shut up! People are watching!"

Surprisingly enough he composes himself pretty quickly and asks in a serious tone, "So do you really think that whatever they are talking about is true? All this bullshit about cureds, uncureds, love being a disease and all those people living in the wilds are idiots, diseased?"

I believe them. I definitely do and my answer is as clear as 2 plus 2.


He chuckles humorlessly before saying, "Then you don't know the truth."

"Oh yeah? Then you tell me the truth." The bell rings indicating that it's time to leave. I glance around once hoping to find Chris. When I turn to face him again he is nowhere to be seen.

"Bye Trissy-poo!" He calls out from somewhere.

Even though he pisses me off, a smile breaks out on my face. He makes my heart race and I don't know why, it felt good.

And that's exactly what scares the crap out of me.


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