|19| Under the Never Sky

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"A world of nevers under a never sky. She fit in well then"

~Veronica Rossi

I pace the floor of my room nervously as my heart rate increases every passing minute. Tomorrow it's my birthday aka the day of my procedure. Tobias and me, we are going to escape today, now. My stomach twists as I think about the wilds, our escape. And above all it's past the curfew again. So tell me why shouldn't I be jittery?

I'm really unwilling to leave my parents behind but it's impossible for me to go through the procedure and forget Tobias. Tobias had said it is possible to go to the wilds and come back, I might try that too someday. That is if I live. Thinking about the Aether storm makes me shudder.

Christina left a week ago and for once I'm so glad that there will be at least someone I know besides Tobias in the wilds. And I might even find Caleb.

A crumpled paper comes flying through the window and hits my shoulder. I pick it up, straighten it and read what's written in it.

Come down now. All's clear.

I quickly go to the window and look down and almost faint. Tobias is on a motorcycle. Yeah, you heard right, he's on a freaking motorcycle! I'm not kidding when I say that I've a thing for motorcycles. Tobias looks up at me and smirks. Fast, he mouths.

I snap out of 'Tobias on a motorcycle' reverie and open the window fully. I throw my legs over the window ledge. He gets down from the motorcycle and prepares to catch me.

"Ready?" I whisper-yell. He nods his head. For some unknown reason I'm not scared about falling. I feel safe with him and I trust him.

I jump down and fall straight into his arms. He puts me down and I climb behind him on the motorcycle, wrapping my arms around his torso and press my cheek against his back. Adrenaline rushes through me as the motorcycle starts and slowly gains speed. My loose hair hit my back due to the wind. I look at the beautiful city lights and it gives me a strangely calm feeling. I keep my eyes wide open wanting to take in this whole night beauty.

I suddenly see a gun in Tobias's pocket. Even seeing it sends shivers down my spine. And I've this sudden urge to feel the cool metal in my palms.

"Rebels!" someone shouts from behind us. I hear gunshots around us and the regulators shouting at us to stop. My hear pumps loudly against my chest and my hands become clammy. Maybe taking a motorcycle was a bad idea.

"Shit!" Tobias curses and increases the speed. "Tris, it is not going to be easy. You've to be ready. Bend when I ask you too, okay?"

"Okay," I mutter. He take a sharp turn to the left and yells, bend!

I bend forward with him and a bullet misses us barely by a few inches. It wheezes past us above our heads.

He stops the motorcycle and yells, "Get down!" I do as he says and he comes beside me, taking my hand, pulling me with him and takes out his gun, keeping it ready to shoot.

I find it hard to keep up with him. He abruptly stops and that's when I see it-we are surrounded by at least 6 patrols with their guns pointing directly at us. Tobias's grip tightens on my hand.

A man with scars all over his face extends his hand and says, "gun." Tobias seems to be having an internal debate for a moment. "Be ready," he whispers in my ear lowly. He moves forward pulling me with him, extending his hand that is holding the gun as if to give the gun to Mr. Scars but at the last moment, when we're near enough to him, Tobias kicks him in the shins and shoots the one beside him and shouts, "Run!" But I stand still, frozen, unable to move as the scene unfolds before me. There's so much blood.

"Run!" He growls again . And so I do. I just peek a glance behind me to find Tobias running right behind me. There's a gash on his forehead but that was bound to happen. We come to a stop at the fence that separates the wilds from Reverie.

"Is it safe? I mean it isn't electrified, right?" I ask quiet unsurely.

"No, they're just rumors," he says looking back every now and then. I start to climb but suddenly a loud sound starts ringing. It sounds like an air raid siren. I immediately push myself back from the fence, as if it's cursed.

"Fuck!" I hear Four curse. He pulls me to him and inspects the mark behind my ear. "You're marked."

Patrols start coming towards us. And this time not five or six but many, like several. "No matter what happens, let the alarms ring, you have to cross this fence," Tobias instructs.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Just go. I'll be right behind you. Don't look back," he says sternly and calmly. I can never understand how he can be so calm in such situations.

"Please be safe," I plead and again start to climb.

"Stop or I'll shoot!" Someone yells behind me but I don't Iook back, I keep climbing. My heart picks up rate as I reach the top of the fence. Most of all I'm scared about Tobias. He'll do anything to keep me safe. Please be safe Tobias, I say to him in my head. I wish I could talk to him in my head.

I was wrong about the worst day of my life. This is far worse than that. The regulators who I once had thought were meant to safe our life are the ones killing us.

Just when I was about to jump a bullet hits me in the shoulder making me cry out in pain and lose my balance. I fall face first in the mud. I hear Tobias calling out my name. I get up with whatever strength that is left in me and start running.

There are scratches all over my arms and my shoulder throbs with pain. But most of all there's a relentless pain in my heart. I've left my other half behind. I've left him behind. I've lost him. No, I haven't, I tell myself. He'll be right behind me. With that I keep running, not once looking back, just with a single ray of hope that he will be right behind me and we'll be alright.

I look up to see waves of green light streak the sky and a lighting lights up a tree directly in front of me. I watch in wonder as the tree burns to ashes. The storm churns in eerie whirlpools above me, casting rippling blue light across the wilds and it rumbles, almost making the ground beneath me shake. And then it happens- everything around me is on fire.

I can think of only two things; Tobias, my love and Aether storms.


What do you think about this sudden twist???

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